604734: Allergen Profile, Hazelnut, IgE With Component Reflexes (2024)

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12. Masthoff LJ, van Hoffen E, de Reus A, et al. Hazelnut allergy differs between children and adults in frequency of severity, aetiology and relevance of diagnostic parameters. Clin Exp Allergy. 2014 Dec; 44(12):1539-1545. 25333730

13. Flinterman AE, Akkerdaas JH, den Hartog Jager CF, et al. Lipid transfer protein-linked hazelnut allergy in children from a non-Mediterranean birch-endemic area. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008 Feb; 121(2):423-428. 18036652

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604734: Allergen Profile, Hazelnut, IgE With Component Reflexes (2024)


What are the IgE levels for hazelnut allergy? ›

Total Hazelnut IgE and Hazelnut Components Ranges: kUA/L: Interpretation: <0.1 *Absent 0.1 – 0.34 Equivocal/Low 0.35 – 0.69 Low 0.70 – 3.49 Medium 3.50 – 17.49 High 17.50 – 49.99 Very High 50.00 – 100.00 Very High >100.00 Very High *If Total Hazelnut is <0.1 kUA/L, Hazelnut component testing is not indicated.

Is a hazelnut allergy serious? ›

Allergies to tree nuts such as hazelnuts are common and often severe. These types of allergies typically develop by the age of 2, and the number of tree nuts to which a person is allergic may increase with age. Roughly 30 percent of people with a tree nut allergy are allergic to more than one nut.

What foods should you avoid if you have a hazelnut allergy? ›

If you have a hazelnut allergy, avoid hazelnuts and any product containing them. This includes Nutella, certain chocolates, pralines, and baked goods. Also, be wary of hazelnut oil in cooking and cosmetic products. Always check labels for potential cross-contamination in food manufacturing.

What is a high IgE level for allergies? ›

An elevated IgE level (100 ≥ IgE < 1000 kU/L) indicates allergy, eczema, or chronic skin infection.

What is a normal allergen range? ›

Reference Interval
AgeReference Interval (kU/L)
9-12 years696 or less
13-15 years629 or less
16-17 years537 or less
18 years and older214 or less
6 more rows

What if the IgE level is more than 1000? ›

At the same time, the normal range of IgE levels for adults falls within the range of 150 to 1000 IU/ml. The IgE levels above the normal range can suggest various health issues such as asthma, hay fever, or eczema. In some cases, extremely high IgE levels can cause certain rare immunodeficiency disorders.

What is the normal range of IgE level? ›

The serum IgE test normal range can range from 150 to 1,000 UI/ml, but the commonly accepted maximum limit is between 150 and 300 UI/ml.

What is the highest number on an allergy test? ›

You will receive IgE test results for the allergen being tested as a number ranging from 0.10 to, in some cases, above 100. If there is no detectable level of IgE, then you are not sensitized to that allergen.

What is the rarest allergy to get? ›

The Rarest (And Strangest) Allergies

Water: Medically known as aquagenic urticaria, patients with a water allergy develop painful hives and rashes when their skin is exposed to water. An allergic reaction will develop regardless of the water temperature, and even when the water is purified.

Who should avoid hazelnut? ›

Allergic Diseases: Hazelnut allergy is associated with other allergic diseases, such as food allergies, asthma, atopic dermatitis, and allergic rhinitis. Cross-Reactivity: People with an allergy to other tree nuts, fruits, soybeans, vegetables, and legumes may also have a hazelnut allergy due to cross-reactivity.

What are the major allergens in hazelnut? ›

Background: The hazelnut major allergens identified to date are an 18-kd protein hom*ologous to Bet v 1 and a 14-kd allergen hom*ologous to Bet v 2.

How to get rid of hazelnut allergy? ›

Although symptoms can appear in early childhood, they often continue into adulthood, with a minority of cases improving during adolescence. Currently, there is no curative treatment available for hazelnut allergy, and patients must adhere to a restrictive diet and carry autoinjective epinephrine.

Can you be allergic to hazelnut but not almond? ›

Tree nuts include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts. An allergy to one tree nut does not necessarily mean an individual is allergic to other tree nuts, but certain tree nuts are closely related, including cashew with pistachio and pecan with walnut.

Are hazelnuts inflammatory? ›

Hazelnuts have been linked to reduced inflammatory markers, thanks to their high concentrations of healthy fats. One study investigated how eating hazelnuts affected inflammatory markers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, in 21 people with high cholesterol levels.

What is the IgE level for nuts? ›

Levels of Peanut Allergies
ClassIgE kU/LInterpretation
417.5-49.9Strongly positive
4 more rows

What is normal range for allergen specific IgE? ›

Allergen Specific IgE levels can be reported in grades (0 to 6) or in units (KUA/L). Normal value is <0.35 KUA/L or grade 0.

What is hazelnut f17 IgE? ›

Hazelnut (f17) IgE with Reflex to Component Panel - This test measures specific IgE antibodies to hazelnuts with reflex to a hazelnut component panel if the IgE result is positive. Allergen-specific serum IgE testing is considered comparable to skin testing and may be preferred in some clinical situations.

What is a level 1 nut allergy? ›

The test assigns those with a peanut allergy one of three levels: Level 1 is the most reactive. While 92 percent of this group can tolerate 4 milligrams of peanut (a trace amount of peanut protein), only 53 percent can tolerate 44 mg. Fewer than 30 percent can tolerate 144 mg (about half a peanut).

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