Re Re Ver RE -R UI LITHO 'el aty et cl su Safety Service Satisfaction Pay us $10 per month for 100 months and we will pay you the amounts as shown on the stated dividend rate: At 6 per cent, $1,295.69, with a profit of $295.68 At 7 per cent, $1,354.49, with a profit of $354.49 At 8 per cent, $1416.52, with a profit of $416.42 Lesser or larger amounts and profits are yours accordingly WE WILL ALSO HELP YOU BUY THAT HOME THE STATE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION -Opposite the PostofficePhone 182 Beatrice, Nebr. BEATRICE DAILY SUN Beatrice, Jan. 28, 1922 Eyes tested and fitted. Stratford, tr Adv. -Please phone society happens.end club notices to this otice.
hone tf -Men's Rockford hose. Special today, Will 10c store pair. Woolworth's. piano Adv for someones them in our modern home for the use of same. Reliable party.
Phone 1200. Advertisem*nt. Feb. 1 -Fine home killed meat. The kind you will like, at Goble's Market.
Number 4. 28 -Dressmaking. Mrs. Sisco, 501 28 -Fine home killed meat. The kind you will like, at Goble's Market.
Number 4, 28. Big dance Saurday night. at Firegood time. Everybody come. Adv.
men's hall. Good music, order and a Our Richelieu Mayonaise Dressing makes us friends whenever tried. We will sell you the fixins for French dressing too. F. A.
Miller. Adv. -Little 8-year-old Dale son of Mr. and Mrs. S.
F. -Hevelone of Lincoln, former Beatrice residents was operated upon at the St. Elisabeth's hospital in Lincoln yesterday morning at 11 o'clock and at. last reports was resting easy. The lad been suffering with pneumonia and the operation was performed as a last.
resort to save his life. Messre. S. F. Hevelone and E.
L. Hevelone of this city are brothers. D. L. Anderson, osteopathic and surgeon, of Kanses City, Missouri, has taken over the practice of Dr.
S. T. 'Anderson, who goes to Lincoln after having built up a successful practice here in the past fifteen months that he has been located here. Mra. Anderson came with the new doctor and will assist him in all operations, they giving special at'tention to minor operations such as the removal of tonsils and adenoids.
-The residence. of. Mrs. Carns, of Cortland caught fire Sunday about noon, but a bucket brigade was organized and chemical extinguishers in the hands of those redoubtable! fire-fighters, Ira Bonebright and Al Jungmeyer, put the kibosh on the fire, after a hole had been chopped in the roof by Earl Parish and Wilber Thomas. All of the personal effects of Mrs.
Caras Including a hot stove, were removed from the house. The residence was damaged to somo extent by fire. Notice Save 10c on a hair cut and shave at Leigh Barber shop. Shave 15c. on Sixth street.
Advertisment. 29 WE HAVE bought stock in the NEW HOTEL Have YouDORSE'S Cleaning Works Phone 60 -Fresh candy every day at Woolworth's. Adv -Large double mesh hair nets, 10c: Woolworth's. Adv Big dance Saurday night at Firemen's hall. Good music, order and a good time.
Everybody come. Adv. -Aluminum pie plates, 10c. Woolworth's. Adv -The Congregational ladies will sell doughnuts today and SCaturday lat F.
A. Miller's and Lang's Grocery. Advertisem*nt. 28: -Royal Neighbors assessments and dues for January are now due and can be paid at 213 North Fouth street. Clara M.
28 "Toilet soap. Large bars, 5c. Woolworth's. Adv -Special for Saturday. Good country butter for 28c.
Same price as Oleomargarine. Stop And Shop Grocery. Fhone Harry, 328. We deliver. that' Adv -Oh, who does Willys-Knight belong to, that you are rigging up with the California Top? A fellow down -at Pawnee Advertisem*nt.
28 -R. W. Wilson public sale February 9th, at Blue Springs, Neb. Watch this paper for bill. Fortynine head of Poland China hogs.
Write for 29 -Funeral services for Mrs. John J. Doren, who passed away at- her home eleven miles southwest of Bentrice Thursday morning, will be held from the home at one o'clock' and at 11:30 from the -Marshmeier church southwest of town Sunday afternoon conducted by J. J. Timken, Burial in Evergreen Home cemetery, -Cookies, two pounds, 25c.
today. Also the Congregational ladies will sell doughnuts. 25c, a dozen. We will deliver them with other goods. Nice head lettuce, heavy juicy oranges of the Pine Cone kind.
Country butter, 32 cents pound. Big pile of it and good honest to goodness, F. A. Miller. Advertisem*nt.
-One of the features of the older boys conference to be held at Cortland Feb. 10 and continuing until Feb. 12, will be a basket ball tourney between teams from Adams, Firth, Princeton, Clatonia, Fallam, Barneston, Liberty, Filley, Odell, Beatrice Wymore and There will be talks by men who have made a apecialty of work among boys and young men and the banquet will be a noteworthy event. -The music number at the First Christian church for next will include an anthem, "Bless the Jones and Penny, by the choir, a quartet number, "Tarry With Me," Smith and Baldwin, Misses Dobbins and Chinnock and Messrs. Arpke, and Brandt, -an anthem, "Honor and Glory," Costa.
by the chorus choir and a male quartet number, "Wonderful Peace," Cornell and Cooper. -State Superintendent, J. M. 'Matzen has called a meeting of county superintendents to be held in Lincoln February 7 and 8. All sessions will be at the Lincoln hotel.
Among the questions to be discussed are: Advantages and disadvantages of consolidation, basis of teachers' salaries, new compulsory attendance law, how to curtail expenditures and Increase efficiency, uniform system of accounting. The state superintendent and his assistante will preside at the sessions and participate in some of the discussions. Miss Bertha Foster, superintendent of the Gage county schools will be in attendance. CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAY at HOTEL BUTLER 50c Phone 142. For Reservation.
Adv. 29 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Gallon dark syrup, 400 clal, lb 180 Gallon white syrup 50c Choice sirloin steak, lb Gallon maple flavor syrup 95c Choice round steak. 150. Log Cabin maple syrup, Choice steer pot roast, lb 12bc small size 30c; medium, 55e Pure lard, lb large size $1.05 Good lean bacon, lb 23e No. can peaches, apricots Bacon squares, lb or pineapple 25c Yorkshire brand creamery No.
2 can Sun Kist brand butter, lb -350 blackberries in heavy Bulk cocoanut, lb 250, syrup. 250 Budk macaroni or spaghetti No. 2 can strawberries in 1b syrup 30c No. 1 soft shell English No. 2 can black raspberries walnuts, lb 3.00 No.
2 can Sun Kist brand Jiffy flour, pkg In syrup, A 3. for $1.00 Brazil nuts, 1b 15c fancy corn. 150 3 pkgs Post Toasties 250 Dried raspberries or logan- 7 lbs bulk oat meal 250. berries, lb 450 White Flake or Crystal Fancy dried peaches, lb White soap, bar 50 18c; 2 lbs 350 7 bars Swift's white laun40-50 size prunes that sell dry soap 25c regularly at 25c lb; spe- -30 bare $1.00 Montgomery Pauley $18 Court Street. Phone 89 We SKINNERS! The Egg Highest Noodles, Grade Spaghetti Macaroni and Sell other Macaroni Products -Apples by the basket 01.90.1 Fresh cider, Early Ohia potatoes.
Idaho Fruit 407 Ella. Phone -Adv. tr -Get your Valentines now at Woolworth's. Adv -Fine home killed meat. The kind you will like, at Goble's Market.
Number 4, 28 Big dance Saurday night at Fire-, men's hall. Good music, order and a good time. Everybody come, Adv. -Lloyd. Crocker of Beatrice, whose campaign letter shows he 18 a standing for legum Aloctor, has filed his personal application for space on the primary ballot, with the state secretary at Lincoln, as a republican candidate for congressman in the Fourth district.
M. 0. McLaughlin of York now holds the office Mr. Crocker seeks. -The weekly banquet of the Kk wants club at Wymore was well atJ.
W. Campbell, formerly this city, gave an interesting talk on "Business Opportunities of He told how be visited many towns in Nebraska, in search of a good lochtion- before he finally decided on Wymore as the town offering the best opportunities for development of business. Arthur Harms, formerly of the Wymore Wymorean, now of Devils Lake, N. gave a vivid account of the disasterous affects of the nonpartisan league of that state. -The eleventh annual meeting.
of the Farmers' Co-operative. company of Filley was held last Saturday afternoon. The following officers and directors were re-elected for the ensuing year. Officers; President. W.
A. Wickersham; Vice-president, L. C. Anderson; Secretary, Carl Sorensey, B. M.
Raynor, treasurer, Directors for three year tem; John T. BusK boom, C. P. Thomsen, and B. M.
Raynor. The company has come satisfactorily through a rather unfavorable year and the results achelved by Manager R. O. Andrew are creditable, A total business of $180,000 was done during the past year and the following quantity of goods was handled. 98,000 bushels of wheat 102,000 bushels of oats, '700 tons of coal, and a large amount of mill twine, cement, brick and sand.
meeting of representatives of mutual telephone companies was held at Barneston last. Saturday state. the Liberty Journal. Five different mutual companies were represented and an organization formed to be known as the Blue Valley Telephone ation, with the following officers: W. G.
Huntington, of Liberty president, L. W. Graham of Sumerfield. Kans. vice president, Chas.
Guise of Oketo secretary. The object of the association is for the promotion of the best interests of all mutual telephone companies, and such other com Danies as have a mutual connection with the same. An organization simllar to this existed several years ago and many benefits were derived from it, but it has not been In existance for six or eight years. -Earl East, former: member of old Company, who is now employed -with the -Bell Telephone company at Malvern, submitted to a serlous operation at Counell Bluffs, yesterday morning. He was stricken early Thursday night and within four hours was on the operating table.
Reports from his bedside last night were to the effect that nis condition is satisfactory, and unless complications follow he will recover. He 18 the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
-East of West Beatrice and a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Booth of this city.
Before moving to Malvern Mr. and Mrs. East made their home in Beatrice. -The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
John. Rithmeier, living northwest of Crete was accidently electrocuted Thursday evening when he came in contact with live wires in a switchbox back of the stage in the Sokol theatre. A local talent company was rehearsing a play to be given last night when the fatallty occurred, The mother of the child had a part in the play and brought the baby along to the theatre while she rehearsed. White playing around the switchboard the child's hands became entangled in the wires causing Instant death. An inquest was held late: Thursday night the jury ahsolving the theatre management from any blame for the child's death.
-Scott McNown, well known in Beatrice and Wymore, died at the home of his SOIL Wilber McNown at Wymore Thursday evening. Mr. MeNown had been in failing health for some time. Had he lived he would have been 74 years. of age the Wymore eighth Arbor of April, State.
Mr. according to McNown the was born in Brown county, Ohio, and moved to the west in 1887, settling at Wymore, and in 1889 he moved to Concordia, where he resided until 1903 when he returned to Wymore where he has since resided. He WAS served a veteran of the Civil war and two enlistments in the army. He leaves to mourn his denth, six children, namely; Chas. McNown of Haverhill, Kana, Wilber McNown Wymore; F.
S. McNown of Hastings and B. F. McNown. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Wilber MeNown of Wymore; conducted by the Rey.
W. C. Harper. Interment will be made In the Wymore cemetery. Dr.
C. M. HUMPHREY The Osteopath Over Security Savings Bank Office phone 531 Res. phone 1307 today, 100 pair. Woolworth's.
Men's Rockford hose. Syectal service for Stanley, 8 veer old son of- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryba of Virginia were held yesterday afternoon at o'clock from the church at Virginia. Interment was (made in the Virginia cemetery.
Personal Mrs. George Westeott of Wymore was a Beatrice visitor yesterday. Anna E. Backenberg of Lewiston, was a Beatrice visitor yesterday. Mrs.
Thomas Welch of, Wymore was a Beatrice visitor yesterday. C. J. Werner of Wymore was a Beatrice business visitor yesterday. H.
Williams of Omaha was a Beatrice. business visitor yesterday. C. L. Platt of Council Bluffs was a Beatrice visitor yesterday.
Charles F. Eble, of Fairbury form erly of Beatrice was in the city yesterday. Fritz Kees was a Lincoln business visitor yesterday, returning home last evening. Joe Samish has left for York on a buying trip for his ladies' ready-to-wear store here. City Commissioner J.
R. Ellis and family visited last, evening at Wymore with relatives, Miss Elisabeth Hoover returned home yesterday after a visit with relatives and friends at Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Gibbs returned to their home at Lincoln yesterday, after a visit in the city with relative.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Powell, of Dorchester were Beatrice visitors day.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cole and daughter of Cook were Beatrice visitors yesterday.
Mrs. Harry Ryan and sister of Reserve Kans, returned to their home yesterday alter a brief visit in Beatrice. Hazel Bridges returned to her home at Concordia yesterday after visiting in the city with relatives. Mrs. J.
J. Schock and niece. Miss Bayne of Wymomre were- the Bea-1 trice guests of Beatrice friends yes- 1 terday. Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Gilbert of this are-visiting at Summertteld Kant at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raper. Fred Murphy of Wichita, former Beatrice resident, left yesterday.
Tor Summerfield where ha will visit old. friends. W. B. Clausen, Beatrice undertaker, was called to Hanover township last evening by the death of T.
T. Jurgens a well known farmer of vicinity. Miss Helen Elkhorn, who has been visiting in Beatrice for the past few days with friends returned to her home at Hastings yesterday. Messra. W.
W. Scott and Dudley: 1. Scott of the Scott furniture store are in Grand Rapids, making selections for a large of the best. in the furniture line. City Commissioner, J.
R. Ellis has returned from Omaha where he attended the meeting of the league of Municipalities. He was accompanfed by T. E. MsGuire.
At The Annex 10. bars -White Flyer soap 390 6 lbs rolled oats 25c1 3 cans peaches, apricots, or pineapple in syrup $1.00 10 lbs. or over bulk corn meal, per lb. 2c Oranges, medium size, juicy, dozen 30c Prunes. 30-40 Santa Clara special today, per lb.
1 pkg. Jersey Corn Flakes, free with each 2 pkg. purchase at the regular price. Send us your phone orders. They Good standard corn, per will have personal attention.
ANNEX GROCERY 509 Ella- -Phone 98 Adv. Friday and Saturday Specials FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS Sugar, 16 lbs for 3 lb green Scotch peas for 25c Large pkg. Rolled Oats for 23c A 5-lh box Sunsweet fancy prunes for 85c Bulk coffee, extra quality, per lb 25c Dried sweet corn, 4 10c pkgs for 25c Don't forget to get your box! of Crispy crackers. A 41 1b box for 60c ERCANTILE MAN OF MYSTERY MAY HAVE DIED OF POISON Litigation Over Estate of Hastings Man Brings Out Now AngleName was Kirkman Hastings, Jan. That John O'Connor, the Hastings man of, mystery who died In 1913, and for possession of whose $100,000 estate a legal battle has raged for eight years, may have died from arsenic poisoning was suggested by attorneys for John F.
Kirkman, Omaha factory foreman whose claim of ship as a con of the recluse 18 Dow being Heard by a jury in district court. Kirkman testified that at ona time he spoke to the attorney general about conducting an investigation of the circ*mstances under which John O'Connor died, and that Attorney Bulman, representative of Kirkman, with S. A. Harris of Omaha, asked the undertaker who O'Connor's. body if he had placed arsenic in the body.
The undertaker said he had not. This line by man's attorneys came after Frank McDonough of Denver had cross examined Kirkman 28 to whether or not John T. Culavin of Omaha, proponent of an O'Connor will, which has previously been found fraudutent, had not helped him to his evidence and contributed to the fight Kirkman is now making for the estate. in his testimony, charged that Culavin had laid three lines to secure the estater The will which was found to be a forgery; the Oleons, half-breed Canadian Indians claiming to be sons, and as a nephew of O'Connor. Kirkman testified that name was James Madison Kirkman, that, he was born in North Carolina, married Mary Trickey, in Lebanon, and then deserted his wife and baby, now the claimant, assumed the name O'Connor, so.
that his wife would not find him. It will require more than this-weck to complete Kirkman's case and then will follow the hearing on the claims of three other groups. of alleged Eleven attorneys are partiet-1 pating, with Judge Dilworth presiding. BAYARD STATE BANK CLOSED BY EXAMINER Shrinkage of Deposits From $225- 000 to $15,000. The Cause--Bad Paper $100,000 Lincoln, Jan.
27-Closing of the Farmers' State bank at Bayard, by the state department of trade' and commerce was necessitated directly by shrinkage of deposits from $225.000 to $150,000 in less than a month, Secretery J. E. Hart' announced today. Examiner G. S.
Easman is now in charge of the failed institution. Mr. Hart said the bank was in bad shape on ita loans, having about $100,000 of bad paper on which it cannot realize at present. RIALTO LAST TIMES TODAY PICTURES CORP. Presents REX BEACHS the IRON TRAIL ALSO HAROLD LLOYD IN "Somewhere in Turkey" AND PATHE NEWS Dr.
D. L. ANDERSON Osteophatic Physician and Surgeon Office over Security Savings. Bank Office. hours 9 to 12-1 to 5 Phone 518 The Bank got Into airffculty, early last summer, according to Hart, through the unauthorized And unrofe methods practised by the former cashier, H.
K. Bald, who resigned about eight montha ago at the instance of the banking bureau. Jake Abegg of Scottebluff succeeded Bald and no blame is attached to the management of the bank since Abegg took charge, Hart said. "'The trouble was all sown by the previous management," Hart added. W.
J. Erieson les president and J. A. Cavettm vice preslent of the bank. The bank's December 31 statement was as follows: Depouits, loans and discounts, $263,921, and bills payable, $48,013.
SUCCESSFUL REVIVAL AT NAZARENE CHURCH The revival at the Nazarene church is moving. After an enthuslastic song service and a raising the expenses for the campaign, Rev. Ruth brought a strong message. He. held his audience from the start to the finish and then gave a general call to the altar with practically everyone.
in the audience responding. the number four were deftLite seekers for a clean heart. This afternoon at 2:30 Miss Danielson will hold a junior rally to which all are, invited. Then this Rev. Ruth will again preach after the song service which begins promptly at 7:30.
'Evangelist Ruth will preach three times Sunday, 11 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. These 'a. meetings: will be held in the new auditorium.
The public is cordially invited. Come. BUY Stock In The New Hotel DOHRSES Cleaning Works DANCE Wymore, Tuesday, Jan. 31. DICK DE FORD and his orchestra always good music, good crowd and good floor.
GILBERT LWAYS THE BEST TODAY ONLY HARRY CAREY A thrilling outdoor story of a western rover's desperate tsruggle for life and love. ALSO BROWNIE, THE WONDER DOG AROUND CORNERS OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS C. R. HITE, President. J.
H. STEINMEYER, Vice Pres. H. W. AHLQUIST, Cashier J.
R. Spicer Charles Tanner The Nebraska State Bank SAFE SOUND CONSERVATIVE INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Call on us for travelers' checks and foreign Exchange Your Account is Appreciated WALLACE ROBERTSON. Preis. R. J.
Cashier. J. IL. Doll, Ass't Cashier C. L.
SHERWOOD, Ass't Cashier THE BEATRICE NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 DIRECTORS D. W. Cook D. S. Dalbey H.
S. Wilson H. T. Weston H. W.
Scheve D. G. Drake R. J. Kilpatrick S.
D. Kilpatrick Wallace Robertson The "I WILL? MAN SAYS: "Now I Smash Shoe Prices" 115 North Fifth Street.