Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe - A Beautiful Plate (2024)

Roasted broccoli tossed with sliced toasted almonds, red pepper flakes, garlic, lemon juice, and aged pecorino cheese.

Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe - A Beautiful Plate (1)

You guys. This roasted broccoli recipe. It is absurdly addictive! Quite possibly the best roasted broccoli you’ll ever make. Braceyourselves. I can easily consume a pound or two of broccoli in one sitting when it is prepared this way. Alarming, but true.

You allknow how much I lovemy vegetables. I can’t go without them,butthis is quite possibly the most tasty vegetable side dish on this blog.

These charred green beans and these fingerling potatoescome in at a close second. Oh, and these roasted sprouts and squash. Gah, don’t make me choose!

If it helps, Connor is equally as obsessed with this broccoli (it is one of his favorite things that I make) and it has gotten rave reviews from lots of family members and friends.

Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe - A Beautiful Plate (2)

Roasted Broccoli: Why You’ll Love It

If you’ve never roasted broccoli, you are missing out on the tastiest way to prepare it!

If you’ve hated broccoli up to this point(confession: I never experienced this phase of life), give this recipe and method a try. I have an inkling thatyou’ll become a broccoliconvert quite quickly.

It goes without saying thatmany vegetables taste better once caramelized and roasted in the oven. This isn’t ground breaking news, but broccoli is one of my all-time favorites.

Even more so than asparagus, carrots, and the other usual favorites. The broccoli florets get crispy and caramelized, and the normally flavorless stalkstransform into addictive bites of heaven. I mean, really, you could stop right there.

Once the roasted broccoli is mixed with toasted sliced almonds, lemon juice, garlic, red pepper flakes, and aged pecorino cheese – ugh,so good.

Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe - A Beautiful Plate (3)

So, here’s the deal. I actually posted a version of this roasted broccoli recipe along time ago, but I’ve adjusted and improved the recipe andfelt it deserved new life!

New and improvedrecipe, new pictures, all good things. Most often, I like to move forward and share new recipes, but sometimes the old ones need some love and attention, you know?

Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe - A Beautiful Plate (4)

My new favorite way to prepare this dish is to slice the broccoli into ‘steaks’.

It gives the dish a better presentation, and the flat sides of the broccoli steaks allow the piecesto more evenly caramelize on the sheet pan.

To make things easier, the raw sliced almonds are added to the sheet pan halfway through cooking. This makes things really easy, and eliminates the need to toast them separately in a skillet.

Tips for Making The Best Roasted Broccoli:

If you’re having difficulty slicing the broccoliinto ‘steaks’- medium florets will also work.

Just make sure your broccoli pieces are consistent in size (if the pieces vary in size, they will cook unevenly) and they are spread into an even, thin layer.

Ideally when roasting, you want the vegetablesnot to touch each other on the sheet pan. Crowding will result in uneven cooking, less caramelization, and longer cook times.

Many home ovens have not been calibrated recently and can be off by as much as 50 degrees in temperature! I highly recommend investing in a cheap oven thermometer(affiliate link).

Why is my broccoli roasting too quickly?

If your oven runs hot, I recommend reducing the oven temperature byat least25 degrees and vice versa. The high roasting temperature, included below, produces extra crispy florets and extra caremelization (aka. flavor!).

It goes without being said that this recipe serves3 to 4 people (in ‘normal’ world), but don’t be surprised if you find yourself consumingall of it in one sitting! It isthatgood. Just read the reader reviews below if you don’t believe me!

Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe - A Beautiful Plate (5)

The Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe

4.7 stars (316 ratings)


Yield: 3 - 4 Servings

Prep: 10 minutes minutes

Cook: 20 minutes minutes

Total: 30 minutes minutes

Roasted broccoli tossed with sliced toasted almonds, red pepper flakes, garlic, lemon juice, and aged pecorino cheese. You won’t be able to stop eating this delicious broccoli side dish! Vegetarian and naturally gluten free.


  • lbs broccoli crowns roughly 2 heads
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 garlic cloves finely grated with a microplane or pressed
  • large pinch dried red pepper flakes
  • ½ teaspoon kosher salt
  • 3 tablespoons raw sliced almonds, with or without skin
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2-3 tablespoons freshly grated aged pecorino cheese
  • zest of half a lemon


  • Preheat the oven to 475°F (246°C) with a rack in the center postion. Oven TemperatureNote: I use a separate oven thermometer to ensure that my oven is calibrated properly.The high temperature ensures even and deep caramelization (and extra crispy, flavorful florets!).If your oven runs hot (you can check this by using an oven thermometer)or you prefer less crispy florets, reduce the oventemperature to 425°F-450°F (220°C-232°C) and adjust the cooking time as necessary.

  • Line a sheet pan with aluminum foil.Trim any dry, tough ends of the broccoli crowns, leaving roughly 2-inches of stalk attached.Slice the broccoli into ½-inch-thick steaks, starting in the center of each broccoli crown and working out to the edges, reserving any small or medium florets that fall off for roasting. Slice any large remaining florets in half lengthwise. Note: If you’re having difficulty slicing the broccoliinto ‘steaks’- medium florets will also work, but you will most likely need to reduce the temperature and roasting time to ensure that they do not burn. Try to make your broccoli pieces consistent in size, as this will help them roast evenly.

  • In a large bowl, whisk together the olive oil, grated or pressed garlic cloves, and red pepper flakes.Add thebroccoli steaks and toss gently until evenly coated. Arrange the broccoli, cut-side down, on the lined sheet pan, setting them apart slightly. Sprinkle with salt.

  • Roast the broccoli for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven, flip the broccoli, and sprinkle the almond slices evenly across the sheet pan. Roast for an additional 8 to 10 minutes, or until the broccoli is evenly caramelized and fork tender, and the almond slices are toasted and golden.

  • Transfer the broccoli to a platter, toss gently with the lemon juice and top with the grated pecorino cheese. Garnish with fresh lemon zest. Serve hot or at room temperature (it also tastes great cold). Leftover broccoli can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days.


Tips for Success:

  • If you’re having difficulty slicing the broccoliinto ‘steaks’- medium florets will also work, but you may need to reduce the oven temperature and roasting time to ensure that they do not burn. Make sure your broccoli pieces are consistent in size (if the pieces vary in size, they will cook unevenly) and they are spread into an even, thin layer. Ideally when roasting, you want the vegetablesnotto touch each other on the sheet pan. Crowding will result in uneven cooking, less caramelization, and longer cook times.
  • Many home ovens have not been calibrated recently and can be off by as much as 50 degrees in temperature! I highly recommend investing in acheap oven thermometer. If your oven runs hot, I recommend reducing the oven temperature byat least 25 degrees and vice versa, and watching it carefully. The high roasting temperature, included below, produces extra crispy florets and extra caremelization (aka. flavor!).

Serving: 1serving, Calories: 182kcal, Carbohydrates: 7g, Protein: 3g, Fat: 17g, Saturated Fat: 2g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 14g, Cholesterol: 1mg, Sodium: 307mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 1g

Author: Laura / A Beautiful Plate

Course: Vegetable Side Dishes

Cuisine: American

Note to Readers:Thisbroccoli recipe was originally published as ‘crack broccoli’ in 2015. It was updated and re-named in 2018. The use of slang was in poor taste and is not a reflection of my values or this site. I sincerely apologize to any readers or visitors that were hurt or offended, and am appreciative of yourcritical feedback. Thank you for listening!

This post contains affiliate links, which means that I make a small commission off items you purchase at no additional cost to you. Please read my privacy policy for more information.

Best Roasted Broccoli Recipe - A Beautiful Plate (2024)


How do restaurants make broccoli taste so good? ›

How do restaurants make broccoli taste so good? As with everything made by chefs, they have unexpected (read: unhealthy) additions to their meals — mostly butter, oil and heaps of salt. An excellent tip for the perfect broccoli is the blanching step.

How do you stop broccoli from burning when roasting? ›

The tender, fuzzy “tree” tips of roasted broccoli florets are the most delicious, but they are also quick to burn. Make sure the florets are well-coated with olive oil to keep this from happening. Don't Crowd the Pan. If the florets are too close, they will steam instead of roast.

What cooking method is best for broccoli? ›

Steaming broccoli is quick and easy, and it's considered one of the healthiest ways to prepare the vegetable. Instead of submerging the florets and stem into boiling water or roasting them in the oven, the broccoli is placed in a steamer basket over simmering water and covered with a lid.

What to season your broccoli with? ›

Broccoli: Use fresh broccoli for best results, but you can also use frozen broccoli. I recommend decreasing the cooking time by 30 to 60 seconds if using frozen broccoli. Seasonings: These could include melted butter, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and/or zest, salt, pepper, garlic, or shredded cheese.

Why does Chinese restaurant broccoli taste so good? ›

Chinese restaurants often incorporate garlic, ginger, and soy sauce to add depth and flavor to the broccoli. You can also add a dash of sesame oil or a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for an added kick.

How do Chinese restaurants get broccoli so crispy? ›

The Chinese broccoli needs to cook as fast as possible, so that the nutrients and color don't have as much opportunity to leach out into the water. It's best to start with as much boiling water as you can. Restaurants serve amazingly green and crunchy Chinese broccoli because they use huge amounts of boiling water.

Should broccoli be washed before roasting? ›

Wash AND dry your veggies.

After you wash your head of broccoli, make sure to dry it off before you toss it with the oil. A little moisture is ok, but if it's too wet when it goes in the oven, it won't get brown and crisp.

Why does my roasted broccoli taste bitter? ›

Some broccoli varieties are more bitter than others and bolt quicker, choose heat tolerant varieties or quick maturing varieties. Even if the head is small, pick your broccoli when the florets are tight, close together and bright green.

Why is my roasted broccoli soggy? ›

To ensure crispness, make sure oven is preheated, broccoli is thoroughly dry, and there's plenty of space on the baking pan. If you prefer, other types of oil may be substituted for olive oil. Avocado, grapeseed, or vegetable oil are good choices.

Is it better to roast or steam broccoli? ›

In this regards, it is likely that broccoli cooked by steaming will be better fit for human consumption than other cooking methods. In conclusion, the current study clearly shows that nutrient and health-promoting compounds in broccoli are significantly affected by domestic cooking.

What do you soak broccoli in before cooking? ›

Nope, not those commercial produce washes; the USDA actually advises against using those. Instead, use a pantry staple: vinegar. Fill a large bowl with 2 ⅔ cups cold or warm water and ⅓ cup white vinegar. Allow it to soak for 2 minutes, then dump the broccoli into a colander.

What is the healthiest way to eat broccoli? ›

Moreover, too much exposure to high temperatures destroys the enzyme that converts the inactive glucosinolates to active compounds. Serving broccoli raw is an excellent option, since it retains these nutrients and the enzyme that forms isothiocyanate compounds.

Can dogs have broccoli? ›

Yes, dogs can eat broccoli. Dogs can eat the vegetable both cooked and raw, as long as there are no seasonings or oils added. However, this vegetable should always be given in very small quantities, especially because the florets contain isothiocyanates, which can cause gastric irritation in dogs.

How long does it take broccoli to cook? ›

Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add the broccoli florets and cook, uncovered, until tender, 2 to 3 minutes depending on the size of the florets. Drain into a colander, transfer to a plate, sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve with lemon wedges.

What is broccoli loaded with? ›

The cruciferous vegetable broccoli is a rich source of several important nutrients, including fiber, vitamins (A, C, and K), minerals (calcium, potassium, and iron), and antioxidants.

Why do restaurant vegetables taste so good? ›

Why are a restaurant's roasted vegetables so much tastier than homemade ones? The simple answer to why roasted vegetables from a restaurant taste so good: lots of fat and salt and high heat.

What do restaurants put in food to make it taste better? ›

There is a reason why vegetables taste better at restaurants than at home. The first and most obvious reason is that restaurants use more butter and salt than home cooks do. However, there's more to try than just salt and butter. Add fresh herbs and cheese or use different kinds of fats and types of vinegar.

How do restaurants keep broccoli green? ›

Use one teaspoon salt per 1 cup of water. Salt provides a “barrier” against carbon dioxide, which prevents chlorophyll from changing color. Make sure that you have enough water in your pot so that all of the broccoli is floating in it.

Does broccoli taste better steamed or boiled? ›

Steaming broccoli is a fast and healthy way to cook this nutritious vegetable. It preserves broccoli's vibrant green color and fresh flavor without the addition of oil. While boiled broccoli is often soggy, steamed broccoli is characteristically crisp-tender.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.