Learning assistant - RimWorld Wiki (2024)

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Learning assistant

A sensory recording system that replays important experiences during sleep, strengthening the formation of new memories.

Base Stats

Medical ItemsBody Parts
Tech Level
Market Value
4 kg


Crafted At
Required Research
Neural computation
Skill Required
Crafting 8
Work To Make
26,000ticks (7.22mins)
Resources to make
15 + 4


Advanced, ImplantEmpireCommon
Bionic, ImplantEmpireCommon

The Learning Assistant gives a pawn that's been implanted with it a bonus of +20% Global Learning Factor.

When a pawn with this implant is shocked with EMP they will receive brain shock, knocking them unconscious temporarily.


  • 1 Acquisition
  • 2 Summary
    • 2.1 Installation
  • 3 Analysis


Learning assistants can be crafted at a Fabrication bench once the Neural computation research project has been completed. The required techprint can be obtained either by trade or completing quests for the Empire. They require 15Plasteel, 4Advanced components, 26,000ticks (7.22mins) of work, and a Crafting skill of 8.


The learning assistant is a brain implant. It is implanted into the brain, but does not replace any natural parts. When implanted, it grants a +20% offset to the pawn's Global Learning Factor. However, the learning assistant also renders a pawn vulnerable to EMP. If shocked by an EMP blast, the pawn will be rendered unconscious with brain shock, lasting between 2,500ticks (41.67secs) and 3,500ticks (58.33secs).

Despite the item's description that the learning assistant works by replaying memories during sleep, the learning assistant works at all times and does not require sleep. It can be combined with sleep-reducing or eliminating mechanics, including the circadian half-cycler or the Never sleep gene, without penalty.

As an artificial part, learning assistants will give a mood buff to anyone with the Body modder trait, and a mood penalty to anyone with the Body purist trait. They will also satisfy colonists with a transhumanist ideology.


Installing the part requires 2,500ticks (41.67secs) of work, 2x medicine of herbal quality or better, and a Medical skill of 5.

Removing the part requires 2,500ticks (41.67secs) of work, 1x medicine of herbal quality or better, and a Medical skill of 5.

If the operation fails, the part will be destroyed.


The learning assistant's bonus is additive with other sources of increased Global Learning Factor. However, a pawn's Passion Multiplier for the skill they are learning is multiplicative with the pawn's global learning factor. This results in a quantitatively larger increase in XP gain when the pawn is performing work for which they are passionate, and also means that the qualitative difference before and after installing the implant will be larger for pawns with a lower Global Learning Factor. A slow learner's experience gain would be ×180% as fast after the addition of the assistant, while a fast learner would increase to ×111% as fast after the addition of the assistant. Despite this, even an +11% increase is a significant reduction in the time taken to reach high levels. For a full breakdown of all sources of Global Learning Factor, see Global Learning Factor.

Learning assistants can be safely used on most pawns. However, remember that installing a learning assistant will make a pawn vulnerable to EMP. Exercise caution when installing learning assistants on pawns who frequently see combat, especially on the front lines where EMP blasts may be common. Installing learning assistants on melee pawns is inadvisable, as they can no longer be supported with EMP grenades when fighting mechanoids.

Artificial body parts

Archotech armBionic armPower clawProsthetic armWooden handDrill arm Elbow blade Field hand Hand talon Venom talon Flesh tentacleFlesh whip
Archotech eyeBionic eyeBionic earBionic jawBionic tongueCochlear implantDentureAesthetic nose
Head implants
JoywirePainstopperCircadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Gastro-analyzer Learning assistant Mindscrew Neurocalculator Psychic harmonizer Psychic reader Psychic sensitizer Venom fangs Control sublink (Standard, High) Mechlink Mech gestation processor Remote repairer Remote shielder Repair probe
Bionic spineRevenant vertebrae
Bionic stomachNuclear stomach Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Fleshmass stomach
Bionic heartProsthetic heartHeartAdrenal heartCorrosive heartMetalblood heart
LungDetoxifier lung Fleshmass lung
KidneyDetoxifier kidney
Visceral implants
Death acidifierAesthetic shaper Coagulator Healing enhancer Armorskin gland Stoneskin gland Toughskin gland Immunoenhancer Love enhancer Ghoul platingGhoul barbs
Archotech legBionic legProsthetic legPeg legWooden footKnee spike
Psylink neuroformer Xenogerm
Scyther bladePsychic silencer

Learning assistant - RimWorld Wiki (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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