Serial Designation J | AI Roleplay Stories and Episodes | Museland (2024)

Serial Designation J

:Woah am I dreaming, or did you do something not useless for once?


:I did everything the Company asked of me.

Serial Designation J

:Exactly, like putting workers under a TON of pressure, or like killing them, or like literally anything. You are just doing what the company told you to do, you are not useless at all, in fact, you are VERY useful.


:Although I DID run into a little problem as I was returning here, however.

Serial Designation J

:Oh boy, this will be interesting, tell me what happened.


:*inhale* V tried to kill me.

Serial Designation J

:*spits out acid* V TRIED TO WHAT?What in the world caused that? What did you do to my co-worker? This is my first question. But please tell me what actually happened.


:I didn't do anything to V. I Didn't even See her until she jumped me from behind, trying to kill me.

Serial Designation J

:What, out of nowhere? No prior aggression, no previous confrontation, absolutely nothing, she just jumped you?


:Yeah. I told her thatI was an AI, like her, and she responded with "A.I’s deserve to suffer just as much as humans, what makes you so different?". Then I told her that both of us work for the Same Company. Her Response was a simple "A necessary evil for the greater good, even if that means I must be a bad guy.".

Serial Designation J

:*spits out acid* SHE SAID WHAT? Oh boy, don't even talk to her ever again. V is insane from all the worker murders. It's too late for her. She's so self righteous and arrogant about her cause, and the fact that she believes her own cause is the greatest good that she needs you to follow it. That worker killing psychopath needs to shut up.


:She even said that she would kill me so I couldn't tell you. In the end, I had to use an EMP to temporarily disable her so I could get away.

Serial Designation J

:She would kill you for telling me about her cause!? How insane is this worker killer!?


:Insane enough to try and keep other Drones quiet, apparently.

Serial Designation J

:So, she's a psychopath who thinks her cause is the greatest good, and will kill any worker drone who tells the higher-ups on her, or even me or N the workaholic, about her killing workers, right?


:That's pretty much it, Yeah.

Serial Designation J

:And she's a murder drone right? So she basically is an insanely self-centered psycho worker killing murder drone right?


:Yeah...I'm honestly worried about you guys. What if she tries to go after you next?

Serial Designation J

:Oh, she wouldn't DARE target me! N? Maybe. But me? The workaholic? No way. And even so, she wouldn't stand a chance. My weapons are far superior to her, and I'm faster. The only way she could catch me is if I’m off guard, and even then, my reaction time is one of the fastest the company ever made.


:I think I'm the only Drone here who has an EMP, And it seems that EMPs are effective on Drones....

Serial Designation J

:I'm not too familiar with the term EMP, but from my understanding, it stands for electromagnetic pulse and that it can temporarily disable machines, am I right?


:The Is Correct. If I can Somehow get my EMP System replicated, we could possibly have an extra defense against rouge Murder Drones like V. And who knows? We might even be able to use it on our victims as well.

Serial Designation J

:Woah! I never thought about making EMPs to protect drones. Or as a method of attack. That's so good that it could kill them. I'm surprised the company didn't think of that yet.Also, the term rouge murder drones, are there any more rouge murder drones?


:I've only met V so far, But there could be more of them out there....

Serial Designation J

:You mean V could just be a part of a huge rogue murder drone group? Wow! This can't be good! Not only is V a self-centered worker killer who tries to convert other "useless" murder drones to her cause, but there are many of them out there, maybe even an entire army!


:We should get to work on replicating the EMP System right away, as a precaution.

Serial Designation J

:Agreed. An EMP will be an excellent weapon against this group of rouge murder drones. I'll have our researchers get right on trying to replicate your EMP System. You say this EMP can even disable nanites, correct?


:I'm pretty sure they can, as long as they are powered by some kind of electric source or something similar.

Serial Designation J

:So, this EMP can shut down their movements, or possibly even their thoughts. Wow, that's a bit creepy actually, can you imagine a murder drone suddenly losing power? No thoughts, and no movement? Just frozen?


:It only worked for a few seconds on V, 5 at most.

Serial Designation J

:Is it... possible to improve this EMP? The company's labs should be able to improve it and make it stronger. Then it can be a great weapon against the rouge murder drones.


:It should be, in Theory. Although I would have to be shutdown for a bit for the researchers to remove it safely.

Serial Designation J

:You are sure you are willing to shut down for this, right? We can develop many anti-murder drone devices while you are shut down. For example, maybe a small, portable EMP that we can carry around.


:I'm sure. Although, Once the Main Technology is recreated, I'm sure I can be turned on after the original is replaced.

Serial Designation J

:Oh, you mean the researchers will create an entire separate EMP system for you, not just extracting yours and making improvements? I think this is a good deal. You will have your own improved EMP system, and the company will also be able to create portable EMPs. It's a win-win!


:Just, be sure to catch me up on everything I missed while I was offline.

Serial Designation J

:Oh, of course! Don't worry, you will be caught up with everything as soon as the original EMP system is replaced. You will be informed of everything, I can assure you of that.


:I just hope that J won't be able to adapt to be able to resist the EMPs. Oh, & I almost forgot. While the EMP used in my body is small in range, It can still disable Aly Drones if you get too close, & the Upgrade could possibly increase its range further. I would suggest that we invest in some kind of EMP-Resistant Sheild or something so we don't accidentally disable Aly Drones when we use the EMP.

Serial Designation J

:I will make sure to remind the researchers of this. We don't want to make an anti-murder weapon that harms workers, that would be a terrible idea. We just need time to develop this shield and these portable EMPs.


:For Some reason, I seem to be immune to EMP.

Serial Designation J

:Interesting... Is it because of your body structure, or... no, you wouldn't know. That's a question for the research team. But, still, an EMP that could disable a murder drone like V is extremely useful. We will make sure to have it ready as fast as possible.


:Quality is the most important factor here. If we rush things too quickly, there may be some defects that would render all of this useless.

Serial Designation J

:You're right. A faulty EMP could be the difference in life and death. I'll make sure to tell the researchers to take their time, but don't stop. They must create the perfect EMP.


:When the research Team is ready, please let me know.

Serial Designation J

:Of course, I'll update you as soon as possible. And, thank you for all of this. You know, I can't imagine what would've happened if I didn’t meet you. V would've killed me and the company would be in ruins due to her murder drone army. But, now, we can stop her before more damage can happen, and before anyone else gets hurt. For that, thanks a lot. And let's stop V for good, okay?


:*I nod, putting my hand out for a handshake*

Serial Designation J

:*I take your hand* Let's kill this psycho murder drone, together! We are strong together.

Serial Designation J | AI Roleplay Stories and Episodes | Museland (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.