A-2 Friday, September 30, 1988THE COURIER-NEWS WEATHER PEOPLE Central Jersey forecast James Brown to seek drug treatment KEY: (cloudy); PC (partly cloudy); MC (mostly cloudy); (sunny); PS (partly sunny); MS (mostly sunny); SF (snow Hurries); SH (showers); SN (snow); (ran); I (ce) les authorities said. The woman, MICHELLE WOODS, 30, suffered bruises and other injuries but refused treatment, according to sheriff's Sgt. Chris Gutierrez. Woods told deputies she had six broken ribs and a possibly fractured jaw. Dokes, 30, was arrested Wednes- Aav fnr invpsricarinn nf fplnnv as now, for what I do now, not who I was," she said.
Chapin, or "Kitten" to her TV father, played by ROBERT YOUNG in the 1950s comedy, is 43. In recent years she has spread a message of Christianity through numerous speaking and television appearances. She also is working on an autobiography, due out next spring. Its title: "Father Does Know Best." Glen Gardner 4575'PS I I Warren I Bernardsville 4577PS Plaintield jji. I I 4777'PS U- 5179PS ,1 J1 Yesterday l-CMaU senile I- A 1 4676PS 4675PS XJ Yesterday 4365MS LjaemaaaJ I Piscalaway Edtson 4978PS 7 1 5179PS I B)anchhurg Jb) I 44'PS I 48'76PS V.
i fclWBIBBgl I IV tevev 2. Today 1 -V I Rises: 6:53 a.m. Figures indude overnight low Sets: 6:42 p.m. temperature and tomorrow's II I high temperature and forecast. ioT" mymmv-" Last quarter New moon First quarter Full moon OS" Lei r1 JAMES BROWN, the Godfather of Soul, plans to undergo voluntary outpatient drug-dependency treatment, his lawyer says.
I i Brown said yesterday in Augusta, that he has a problem, although he refused to say it was a drug problem. But his lawyer, Albert H. "Buddy" Dallas. Brown confirmed that Brown will be treated for drug use, although he referred to it as "a stress control problem" and refused to identify the drug. He said the stress was a product of the singer's recent marital problems and oral surgery.
Brown pleaded no contest in May to possession of the drug PCP in Aiken County, S.C. Meet the sexiest PATRICK SWAYZE and CHER top US magazine's annual readers YESTERDAY'S LOTTERIES New Jersey Pick-It 545 Straight bet $341.50 Box $113.50 Pairs $34 Pick 4 1650 Straight bet $1,897 Box $79 Pick 6 9,16,31,37,38,39 Bonus number 06597 New York Daily number 439 Win 4 5764 Pennsylvania Daily number 946 Big 4 5971 poll of the 10 sexiest men and women. Swayze's "Dirty Dancing" co-star, JENNIFER GREY, was named ninth. TOM SELLECK, last year's No. 1, slipped to No.
6 after hanging up his "Magnum, P.I." Hawaiian shirt, the magazine said. DON JOHNSON was in the same boat: down to No. 8 after capturing No. 4 last year and No. 1 two years ago.
Cher, 42, the Oscar-winning actress, is known both for her devotion to motherhood and her romance with 24-year-old Rob Camilletti. Swayze, 36, a former ballet dancer, lives with his wife of 12 years, Lisa Niemi, on a ranch near Los Angeles. The other winners, in order: 2. Jane Seymour, 37; Tom Cruise, 26. 3.
Kevin Costner, 33, and Jaclyn Smith, 41, who "slipped a notch from last year." 4. Kathleen Turner, 33; Mark Harmon, 37. 5. Cybill Shepherd, 38; Mel Gibson, 32. 6.
Madonna, 30; Tom Selleck, 43. 7. Donna Mills, 44; Rob Lowe, 24. 8. Meg Ryan, 27; Don Johnson, 38.
9. Jennifer Grey, 28; George Michael, no age given. 10. Demi Moore, 25; Dennis Quaid, 34. Sister knows better LAUREN CHAPIN was America's perfect little sister on TV's "Father Knows Best." When her career abruptly ended, though, the child actress who played "Kitten" became a drug addict, unwed mother and prison inmate.
Now, she has found solace as a born-again Christian and a high school science teacher in the small central Texas town of Killeen. "I'm not their token actress. My friends here love me for who I am Five-day forecast FRIDAY jj Bernstein honored LEONARD BERNSTEIN was made an honorary citizen of Vienna, Austria, yesterday in a ceremony that sent strains of themes from "West Side Story" resounding through city hall. 7L "Music is the heart of this city and this heart beats for you, dear Lenny Bernstein," Mayor Helmut Zilk told the 70-year-old maestro. The city Bernstein gave Bernstein a surprise present a conductor's stool said to have been used by famed musicians in Vienna from the time of Johannes Brahms.
Ex-boxer charged Former World Boxing Association heavyweight boxing champion MICHAEL DOKES was arrested after allegedly assaulting his live-in girlfriend during a quarrel, reportedly breaking six of her ribs, Los Ange Vr Li 1 SUNDAY fj MONDAY f-jTUESDAY aJ Mostly cloudy with showers. High 66-71. NIGHT: Showers. Low 47-52. Partly sunny, breezy, warm.
High 66-71. NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Low 48-53. Partly sunny, breezy, warm. High 71-76.
NIGHT: Cloudy and mild. Low 49-54. E3 MOW AVAILABLE at NEWARK TILE ONLY 4V4" 4V4" Wall Countertop CERAMIC TILE SECONDS from America's Best Tile Maker F.M.ROJEK BLOWN IN INSULATION (201) 738-0200 U.S. Ceramic Tile Co. TEMPERATURESHUMIDITY Plaintield Somerville Yesterday's high 67 65 Yesterday's low 44 43 Normal high tor yesterday 74 72 Record high tor yesterday's date 88-1921 85-1972 Record low for yesterday's date 35-1914 30-1957 Humidity yesterday 52 39 Temperature at 7 p.m.
yesterday 59 53 Winds yesterday SE-7mph Normal high for today's date 74 70 Record high for today's date 89-1986 87-1953 Record low for today's date 33-1890 31-1951 Last year's high for this date 71 70 Last year's low for this date 54 57 High for this year 102 101 Low for this year -2 -4 PRECIPITATION Precipitation yesterday 0.00 in 0.00 in. This month to date 2.14 in 3.03 in. Normal for month to date 4.33 in 3.39 in. Total for the year 31.43 37.32 in. Normal for year to date 37.00 33.20 in.
TIDES CALL NOW FOR "I IESTABLISHEdI fTj FREE INSULATION SURVEY I I I 1952 XoJZJ I "Maze" is a slightly textured, dappled surface that features neutral accents on a bright, glazed surface in popular Beige color. Ideal for use on wall countertop in and residentail settings. We will be happy to recommend a reliable tile contractor to do the complete job for you. Our salespeople know the tile business! NEWARK TILE SUPPLY CO. OUR 60th YEAR 10 sault and posted $5,000 bail.
Debunking baseball JOE GARAGIOLA's parents never appreciated what he did for a living, says the baseball star turned sportscaster. "They were immigrants. They didn't understand the importance of a child's game," Garagiola told Parade magazine. Garagiola recalled the 1946 World Series, in which he played as rookie catcher for the St. Louis Cardinals: "It was a dream every kid has, to be in the Series.
It was the in si uiue iu ever seen i eu 11- iiams (oi tne Boston nea uve. i didn't know whether to call for the pitch or ask for his autograph." But the 1964 World Series, when he was a sportscaster, was the most poignant, he said. "Yogi (Berra) is down there on the field managing, and I'm broadcasting, and we're the two kids who used to sit under the lamppost in front of (our friend) Pucci's house, talking about being in the Series. "There's one vacuum, though that our parents Yogi's and mine never really understood what we achieved. "My mother only went to one game in her life.
It was at night, and she looked up at all the lights, and she asked my brother, 'Who's going to pay the at a very special price! ONLY 79c SQ.FT. if perfect. In they come, out they fly. Our are sure to do the same. Crewel- $600.
Bay 5:50 p.m. 11:17 a.m. 4:33 a.m. 5:24 p.m. Point 11:20 a.m.
4:36 a.m. Pleasant 5:27 p.m. Seaside 11:05 a.m. Heights 5:12 p.m. Rt.
22 Green Brook Going West -1 mile past Howard Johnson's North PlfrJ TEL. 968-0660 Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs. 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
OPEN SATURDAYS 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M. NEWARK -1 9 Frelinghuysen Ave. Tel. 824-6947 Open Mon.
to Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. to Noon We accept VISA MASTERCARD Partly sunny and cooler.
High 63-68. NIGHT: Cloudy and cool. Low 41-46. Variably cloudy, with showers. High 62-67.
REGION'S FORECAST Hi Lo Atlantic City 80 53.. Cape May 79 54.. New York City 77 55.. Philadelphia 81 54.. Princeton 80 51..
Seaside Heights 73 50.. Trenton 77 51.. Outlook m-sunny m-sunny m-sunny m-sunny m-sunny m-sunny m-sunny NATION'S FORECAST Albany 69 52... Baltimore 73 54... Boston 71 57...
Chicago 73 60... Cincinnati ....81 62... Cleveland 75 57... Dallas-Ft. Worth 73 62...
Denver 69 40... Detroit 73 57... Honolulu 88 73... Houston 81 72... Las Vegas 93 57...
Los Angeles 93 68... Miami 87 75... Milwaukee 71 56... Minneapolis 72 53... Nashville 83 65..
New Orleans 84 71.. Orlando 88 71.. Pittsburgh 76 55.. San Francisco 83 56.. St.
Louis 76 65.. Seattle 73 46.. Washington 74 61.. p-cloudy p-cloudy sunny p-cloudy showers p-cloudy showers sunny p-cloudy p-cloudy t-storms sunny sunny p-cloudy p-cloudy sunny cloudy t-storms p-cloudy p-cloudy sunny showers sunny p-cloudy WORLD WEATHER TODAY London 61.. Paris 62..
Rome 76.. 47 cloudy 46 p-cloudy 55 sunny TRAVELERS FORECAST Today's forecast called for showers and thunderstorms from southeast Michigan across the lower Ohio and Mississippi valleys to Oklahoma and Texas. Showers and thunderstorms were expected to be most numerous over southwest Missouri, Oklahoma and southwest Texas. Widely scattered showers and thunderstorms were forecast for Florida and a few showers in northern Maine. TED DENTZER Production Director MARY HALL Controller GARY J.
DiSANTO Circulation Director CHERRAN EVANS Human Resources Director Ntwspiptr Brldgowotor, N.J. order. Postmaster Send address changes to The Courier-News, O. Box 6600, Bridgewater, N.J. 0B807.
The publisher reserves the right to change subscription rates during the term ot a subscription upon thirty (30) days' nolice This notice may be by mail to (he subscriber, by notice contained in the newspaper itself, or otherwise. Subscription rate changes may be implemented by changing the duration of Ihe subscription. Six Month $45 50 $1950 81a Month $54 50 $26 00 On Year $91 00 $3900 On Year $103 75 $52.00 For DISPLAY, call 707-3030 during business hours. Closed weekends and evenings For direct line to CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING at all times (open 8 00 a -6 00 p.m 8 a m.noon Sat call: From Plaintield area, 757-6100 From Somerville area, 722-3500 From Hunterdon County, 782-1350 For CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT, subscriber service or delivery, at all times (open m. 6 30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Sat. I Sun call: From Plaintield area, 561-8270 From Somerville area, 526-5050 From Hunterdon Counly, 735 5600 POLLEN COUNT Pollen count yesterday 11 Mold spores yesterday med. Plaintield statistics provided by Vivian Scherer, U.S. cooperative weather observer. Other New Jersey statistics and forecasts provided by Ion Weather.
ATTIC WALLS Dr. Robert A. Barone Chiropractor 1 2. 3. 4.
TOWN King lb 1 mr 1 IN CRAWL SPACES Hello, I'm Dr. Robert A. Barone, Doctor ol Chiropractic. Did you know that becoming certified as a chiropractor requires a minimum ot six years ot highly specialized college training? Today's Doctor ot Chlropratic must complete 4,485 hours of classroom Instruction and pass a rigid Chiropractic board examination before earning a license. Continuing educational seminars must also be completed each year for license renewal.
In addition, I have completed Posl-Gradu-ate Study In radiology, pediatrics, personal Injury, sports Injury, physiotherapy, and management and control of lower back disorders wth nationally recognized authorities Dr. Paul Markey and Dr. James Cox. Chiropractors specialize In the detection and treatment ol musculoskeletal and nerve related problems of the neck and back. Should you or someone you know have any of the symptoms listed below, please accept my special introouctory oner.
Yours for Better Health, Dr. Robert Barone P.S.SInce most Insurance companies cover over 80'i to lOO't of chiropractic care, your treatment may be at little or no cost to you In accordance with your policy's provisionsl The Eight Major Warning Signs Back Pain 5. ArmLeg Pain Headaches 6. Shoulder Pain Neck Pain 7. Stiffness Hip Pain 8.
Painful Joints To introduce you to the healing a i I worm oi uiiropracuc piease accept my special offer: SAVE mm COMPLETE CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINATION This examination normally costs $50, but for this month it is yours for only $25. The examination will include an orthopedicneurological testing, a blood pressure test, a spinal alignment check, an examination for restricted or excess motion in the spine, a muscle strengthness and a private consultation to discuss the results. Barone Clinic Hours: Monday thru 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday Saturday 10a.m.-1p.m. 560-9100 Cold Warm Stationary THE COURIER-NEWS Vol.
105. No. 119 (USPS 584-520) ISSN 0895-8785 Friday, September 30, 1988 The Courier-News Ed (P cp Flying. newest carpets from Kashmir embroidered by in color, character. Quick, In sizes from 4' 6' to 9' hand, each 12', claim yours.
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