The Forest and the Princess (2024)

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  • Summertide Scales and Tales Quests
  • Summertide Scales and Tales
  • Simulanka Quests
  • Forest of Blessings Quests
  • Kingdom of Breezes and Bells Quests
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  • Released in Version 4.8
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The Forest and the Princess is a World Quest in Simulanka.


  • 1 Steps
  • 2 Dialogue
  • 3 Video Guides
  • 4 Other Languages
  • 5 Change History


  • Start the quest by approaching Cimest near the central waypoint of the Forest of Blessings
  1. Talk to Princess Cimest
  2. Accept Princess Cimest's trial
  3. Undergo the trial with Princess Cimest
  4. Talk to Princess Cimest
  5. Undergo the trial with Princess Cimest
    • Hydro Hilichurl Rogue ×1
    • Blazing Axe Mitachurl ×2
    • Cryo Hilichurl Shooter ×2
  6. Touch the "relic"


The Forest and the Princess (7) Quest Description

In the forest, a princess is preparing to go solve a certain problem herself...

(Approach Saborn, Souffache, Cimest)
???: Your Highness! What brings you here?
???: ...Given how things stand, I shall retrieve the relic myself, and then decide what to do next.
???: Your Highness! That will not do!
???: Your Highness! You cannot go!
???: Oh? It seems you have a better solution. Let's hear it then, Minister Saborn.
Saborn: I... Uh... Would like to inform Your Highness that, following a long discussion with Souffache last night, we have come to the conclusion that... It would be better to set up a trial ground elsewhere...
Souffache: Hear, hear! And then the Guardian who passes our selection process can retrieve the relic for us — two birds, one stone!
Cimest: But without the relic, how can we be sure that the chosen Guardian is really the one we are looking for?
Saborn: I... Uh...
Cimest: Worry not, ministers. Though we are indeed facing a great crisis, this is precisely as the legends predicted.
Cimest: When the crisis befalls us, a Guardian shall thereupon emerge. At this moment, what I must do is ensure that they are shown the right path.
Cimest: Besides, I am the best flyer in the kingdom, so there is none more suitable than I to judge the Guardian's abilities.
Souffache: But...
Cimest: Then will you go instead?
Souffache: I—I'm afraid... My legs are rather useless when it comes to flight of any kind...
Cimest: How about you, Saborn? Will you go?
Saborn: Uhh, m—my eyesight... Alas, I fear I would be unable to see their movements clearly enough to judge...
Cimest: Good, that's settled then. The two of you will stay to handle affairs within the kingdom, while I shall assist in managing the selection process at the original location myself.
The Forest and the Princess (8) Something fun going on?
The Forest and the Princess (9) Might I submit myself as a candidate for the trial, Your Highness?
Paimon: Ooh, ooh! We're good at flying, and adventuring too! Can we participate?
Cimest: Oh, greetings to both of you, and welcome to the Kingdom of Breezes and Bells. You're very welcome to sign up for the "Guardian of the Kingdom" selection trials.
Cimest: You have not previously participated in the selection trials of our Kingdom of Breezes and Bells, if I am not mistaken?
Paimon: How does Your Highness know this?
Cimest: Your appearance differs greatly from our kingdom's subjects. Had you taken part before, I would not forget it.
Cimest: Oh! That's enough chit-chat, I suppose. As it so happens, I was just about to head over to host the selection ceremony near the Relic Shrine. Let us go there together.
Cimest: Ministers, the kingdom's affairs are in your hands. Do try not to let anyone cut this tree down while I'm away finding our true Guardian, if you could?
Saborn & Souffache: *sigh* As you wish, Your Highness.
Cimest: The two of you, please come with me. Before the selection officially begins, there are a few things I still need to tell you.
(Talk to Saborn or Souffache, optional)
Souffache: Saborn, we must think of something!
Saborn: *sigh* ...You are no doubt right. But when have we ever managed to hold back the princess?
(Approach Cimest at the marked location)
Cimest: Please wait here a moment. I will introduce the trial for you, as well as a few things that you'll need to watch out for.
Paimon: Wow... Her Highness sure is a decisive decision-maker, huh? Guess that's a true princess for you...
The Forest and the Princess (10) I declared I'd accept the trial quite suddenly...
The Forest and the Princess (11) But Your Highness didn't seem particularly surprised...
Cimest: Hmm? Oh... Perhaps my introduction seemed a little too forthcoming. My apologies.
Cimest: In truth, there have been many squirrels who — like you — have suddenly turned up and declared their intention to undergo the trial, so I am already accustomed to receiving such "candidates."
Cimest: At least... There were many, before that dragon attacked the kingdom.
The Forest and the Princess (12) You said it was to retrieve a relic...
The Forest and the Princess (13) Is it being kept somewhere dangerous?
Cimest: It is indeed. As I mentioned, not long ago, a giant dragon passed through our kingdom.
Cimest: We tried our best to drive it away, but before leaving, it trampled both the trial ground and the sacred site where the relic was kept to smithereens.
Cimest: Our original, stable trial environment is now very different from the way it used to be. The wind currents have become unpredictable, causing a dramatic increase in the difficulty of some trial stages.
Cimest: After the environment changed so drastically, some candidates — who could have easily passed the first few stages before — now find even the very first stage too challenging.
Cimest: But from another perspective, the current trial is actually a better test of a candidate's true strength, so it should better help us choose a strong "Guardian of the Kingdom."
The Forest and the Princess (14) I—I'm pretty strong!
Paimon: P—Paimon too!
Cimest: Hmm... Well if that is truly the case, let us get straight to it. Allow me to introduce the trial for you.
Cimest: Simply put, in this trial, the candidate must help their squirrel companion fly in the right direction by guiding them along the wind currents.
Cimest: Don't worry, it isn't complicated. All you have to do is observe the direction of the currents and make decisions accordingly.
Cimest: Of course, you need not worry about the issue of direction. In this kingdom, no wind can stop me from flying wherever I will.
Cimest: Alright, let us begin. Please make sure you're both ready.
(After completing the first set of garlands)
Cimest: Looks like we work well together. Your judgments are most precise.
(After completing the second set of garlands)
Cimest: Ahead lies the final trial. Prepare yourselves.
(Talk to Cimest)
Paimon: Your Highness, you're amazing! You flew past so easily!
Cimest: Your ability to judge the wind's currents was also remarkable. It seems you are worthy to undergo the trial after all.
Cimest: Let us make haste to the site where the relic is being kept... Hopefully we won't have another run-in with that dragon.
???: "...I am a voice, but not life..."
Paimon: Huh, what was that? It sounded like... someone's voice? (TravelerTraveler), did you hear that?
The Forest and the Princess (15) I definitely heard it...
The Forest and the Princess (16) ...But I have no idea what it meant.
Paimon: Whoa, The Princess is way ahead... Let's forget about that for now and catch up with her first.
(Talk to Cimest)
Paimon: So... This is where the relic was being kept?
The Forest and the Princess (17) These footprints are massive.
The Forest and the Princess (18) That dragon must be huge...
Cimest: Perhaps in driving the dragon away, we also drove it into a rage.
(If the player has completed Until the End of the World)
The Forest and the Princess (19) That dragon is actually...

You tell the story of the dragon to Princess Cimest in its entirety, sparing no detail...

Cimest: ...Can such a thing be? Truly unexpected.
Cimest: At the time, I was too panicked, and so I just gave the order to drive him away.
Cimest: Had we the chance to calmly speak with one another, perhaps...
Cimest: Ahem! Never mind. What's done is done. We must focus on the problem at hand.
Cimest: As for that dragon... once all our problems have been resolved, I shall visit him personally.
Cimest: Now, let us focus on the relic.
Cimest: The relic is down there. Pass the trial, and you may claim it.
Paimon: Paimon thought that the relic would be protected by some kind of seal, or guard, or... something.
Paimon: But it looks like it's just lying there, and it doesn't seem like anything's stopping someone from just taking it...
The Forest and the Princess (20) Just a hop and a step away.
The Forest and the Princess (21) We [sic] don't we just jump down and take it?
Cimest: What you say is correct. This relic does indeed have a "seal" — namely, the "trial" that you have seen.
Cimest: According to the kingdom's records, one must pass the trial in order to retrieve the relic.
Cimest: Conversely, if it is taken by someone who has not yet passed the trial, it will lose its "meaning" as a relic.
Cimest: ...Thus, even I must pass the entire trial to retrieve the "true" relic.
Cimest: There must be both a "trial" and a "challenger" to do so.
Cimest: Without satisfying these two conditions, the best-case scenario is that we'd be walking away with a useless lump of stone.
Paimon: "The best-case scenario"... Does that mean something worse could happen too?
The Forest and the Princess (22) Those who act in defiance of the rules shall be cursed.
Paimon: C—Cursed! Uhh, in that case, let's just... go ahead and accept the trial...
(After completing the first set of garlands)
Cimest: Hmm... Perhaps those furious flowers over there could be of some use...
(After completing the trial)
Cimest: ...I hadn't expected you to be able to judge the wind currents so accurately.
Cimest: If you were flying squirrels like I am, navigating those wind currents would pose you no challenge, of that I am certain...
The Forest and the Princess (23) Paimon's a natural when it comes to flying.
The Forest and the Princess (24) If everyone had to use wind gliders, I'd be unbeatable.
Cimest: Pfff... Is that so? I'm glad to hear that, because you two are the most Guardian-like candidates I've ever seen.
Cimest: Then let us continue. The current wind conditions are just right.
The Forest and the Princess (25) No problem!
Paimon: Hehe, everything's going great! Maybe we're the Guardians that Her Highness has been looking for.
The Forest and the Princess (26) Your Highness was outstanding too.
The Forest and the Princess (27) Your Highness is the only true Guardian.
Cimest: Thank you for your kind words. I had in fact passed the trial many times before the dragon destroyed the sacred site.
Cimest: Purely in terms of flying ability, I am confident that no other squirrel is my equal. Previous candidates found even the first few stages too difficult.
Paimon: Huh? But if Your Highness already passed the trial, how come you didn't take the relic?
Cimest: ...Unfortunately, the relic has yet to acknowledge me.
The Forest and the Princess (28) So even Guardians require the relic's acknowledgment?
The Forest and the Princess (29) Why does that relic get to call all the shots...
Cimest: That I do not know. Perhaps it thought I didn't pass the trial...
The Forest and the Princess (30) Surely there aren't hidden stages?
The Forest and the Princess (31) Do the trial stages change for each challenger?
Cimest: All I know is, the relic has never lit up for me.
Cimest: But you... Not only have you come precisely at our kingdom's hour of need, but your capabilities are undeniable. That is why I believe you will earn the relic's acknowledgement.
Cimest: Let us continue. The final stage of the trial awaits.
(After completing the second set of garlands)
Cimest: ...It appears we have some uninvited guests.
Cimest: Might I trouble the two of you to kindly remove them from the premises? Should we indulge their antics, I fear we will be delayed in our task.
(After defeating the enemies)
Cimest: Truly, you both are exceptionally skilled.
Cimest: ...Something's wrong with the furious flowers.
Cimest: Very well. Then I shall complete this part on my own.
(After completing the trial)
Cimest: There we go. Next... we must accept the Relic's judgment.
(Approach the marked area)
Paimon: We passed! (TravelerTraveler), we're Guardians now! So is this the relic that's used to acknowledge new Guardians?
Paimon: Huh? There's something carved onto it, like a line of text maybe? Let Paimon take a closer look...
Paimon: "Stories follow rules, unfolding in cyclical patterns, but each should follow its own course."
Paimon: Uhh, Paimon doesn't get it. Do you get it, (TravelerTraveler)?
The Forest and the Princess (32) It's probably some roundabout way of cheering us on?
The Forest and the Princess (33) It's probably meant to encourage challengers.
Cimest: Those words have always been there. Even I do not know their origin...
Cimest: I sense that they may hold some great significance for the kingdom... But I have yet to grasp their meaning.
Cimest: Whatever the case, given your performance in the trial, you are undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for the title of "Guardian" that I've ever met.
Cimest: Your abilities and judgment are beyond question. Meeting you at a time like this is truly a blessing for our kingdom.
Cimest: Now that we have retrieved the relic, we may hold the ceremony right away.
Cimest: I am fully confident that your courage and abilities will have won you the relic's respect.
The Forest and the Princess (34) You flatter me, Your Highness.
The Forest and the Princess (35) Nothing can stand in our way!
Paimon: Hehe, it was nothing! We're just glad we could help you, Your Highness.
Paimon: Whoa! When did you guys get here? Paimon didn't even notice you arrive!
Souffache: We flew over, of course! We were among the best flyers around when we were young, you know. How else would we have been able to serve the princess?
The Forest and the Princess (36) Never judge a squirrel by its appearance...
Souffache: Well, I never! A visitor turning up at our time of crisis, a Guardian emerging from the trials victorious... and the relic in our possession, intact and unharmed!
Souffache: Your Highness, everything is exactly as the legends said!
Saborn: It seems that our kingdom finally has a "future" to look forward to!
Cimest: We shall find out soon enough.
Cimest: Now, please place your hand upon the relic. Let it light up and proclaim that you are henceforth the "Guardian of the Kingdom"!
The Forest and the Princess (37) ...Erm, do... do you think it's not bright enough?
The Forest and the Princess (38) Has... it even lit up at all?
Paimon: Let Paimon take a look... Ehh? M—Maybe it's been there so long that... it just can't light up anymore?
Paimon: Kinda like how candles that've been lying around too long won't burn very brightly.
Saborn: How... How could that be? All the details match, yet the relic still...
Souffache: Your Highness, whatever the case, at least the relic is in our hands. Even if our guest has failed to be acknowledged by...
Cimest: ...No.
Souffache: Your Highness?
Cimest: Place the relic to one side. It is my kingdom for which the challengers have come; therefore it is I who must acknowledge them.
Saborn: Your Highness! B—But no ruler of our kingdom has ever taken it upon themselves to acknowledge a "Guardian"...
Cimest: Then let us create a precedent for future rulers to follow.
Cimest: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, come forward.
Cimest: As Princess of the Kingdom of Breezes and Bells, I hereby declare...
Cimest: That (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon shall henceforth be recognized as the kingdom's "Paladins of Breezes and Bells"!
The Forest and the Princess (39) At your service, Your Highness.
The Forest and the Princess (40) It is my honor, Your Highness.
Paimon: Hooray! A "Paladin of Breezes and Bells"... Hehe, such a cool title!
The Forest and the Princess (41) Definitely cooler than just being any old guardian.
Saborn: B—But surely that means we still haven't found our "Guardian"? And if that is so, then we won't be able to fulfill our "calling."
Souffache: And if we cannot fulfill our "calling"... We'll no longer have a "future" to look forward to, just like the kingdoms that came before us...
Cimest: ...Fret not, I will find a way.
(If the player has not completed The Lotus Leaf and the Champion)
The Forest and the Princess (42) You have my sword.
The Forest and the Princess (43) Shouldst thou require my aid, I am at thy service.
Cimest: My thanks, good Paladin. I will indeed need your help.
Cimest: But first, I will need to put the pieces of this puzzle together...
Cimest: After some time has passed, please return to my kingdom to meet me. When the time is nigh, we shall set forth in search of the kingdom's future together.
(If the player has completed The Lotus Leaf and the Champion)
The Forest and the Princess (44) Wait, speaking of choosing a Guardian...
The Forest and the Princess (45) They're currently choosing a champion over at Rainsong Pond...
Paimon: You mean that Faurobert who could jump super high?
Paimon: You're right! The whole reason they held that contest was to find a champion to come rescue the princess...
Paimon: Although it doesn't seem like the princess needs saving. If you were looking for a super-strong champion to win your contest, they just so happen to have one!
Paimon: In fact, there's bound to be heaps of potential champions over there!
The Forest and the Princess (46) Wait... By "contest," you mean "trial."
The Forest and the Princess (47) And by "champion," you mean "Guardian."
Cimest: What an extraordinary coincidence...
Cimest: Though our trial doesn't really have anything to do with jumping. Still, from what you've said, it sounds like they've found the strongest candidate to complete their calling.
Cimest: ...It seems a trip over to Rainsong Pond is in order. Thank you for informing me.
Saborn: Wait! But Your Highness, they're all paper frogs over there! They're nothing like us, they're not...
Cimest: So what? A Guardian's most vital asset is what is in their heart, not their appearance.
Cimest: Ministers, you are to stay and look after the kingdom while I am gone. I will go to Rainsong Pond myself.
Cimest: My loyal Paladin, I hope that the "Champion" over at Rainsong Pond is as fearless and skilled as you are.
Paimon: Well... Skilled is certainly accurate...
The Forest and the Princess (48) But as for fearless...
The Forest and the Princess (49) ...That remains to be seen.
Cimest: Oh? You mean to say that this "Champion" of theirs is actually... a sheep in wolf's clothing?
Cimest: Hahaha! Then all the more reason to go meet him in person!
Cimest: Alright, that's settled then. Oh, and if I'm going over to Rainsong Pond... Perhaps I'd better bring some gifts...

Video Guides[]

The Forest and the Princess Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Forest and the Princess
Mori to Purinsesu
The Forest and the Princess
Korean숲과 공주
Supgwa Gongju
SpanishEl bosque y la princesaThe Forest and the Princess
FrenchLa forêt et la princesseThe Forest and the Princess
RussianЛес и принцесса
Les i printsessa
VietnameseRừng Sâu Và Công Chúa
GermanDer Wald und die Prinzessin
IndonesianHutan dan Tuan Putri
PortugueseA Floresta e a Princesa
TurkishOrman ve Prenses
ItalianLa foresta e la principessa

Change History[]

Released in Version 4.8

[Create New History]


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.