he Sioux City Journal, Sunday, August 29, 1982 Help Wanted 35 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $780 Up. Merchandising. Self starter. Call 277-1440, Acme Personal Service. 360 Orpheum Bldg.
Applicant pays fee. AGRICULTURAL COMINCO AMERICAN HAS IMMEDIATE NEEDS FOR A QUALIFIED PLANT MANAGER AND SALES REPRESENTATIVE to join it's Northeast Nebraska retail Fertilizer and Ag Chemicals division. Candidates must possess a farm sales background the following requirements: RETAIL PLANT MANAGER Experience in the management and operation of a retail fertilizer or farm supply business required. The demonstrated ability to successfully operate and supervise a profit center is of major importance. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Experience in promoting and selling chemical and fertilizer products through direct customer contact required, The possession of current pesticide licenses will enhance employment possibilities.
Cominco American offers a competitive salary, an excellent benefit package, good working conditions, and career opportunities. Interested candidates should send resumes and salary requirements to: R. W. Brown Employee Relations Supervisor Cominco American Incorporated P.O. Box 3087 Spokane, WA 99220 equal opportunity employer ARE YOU THE ONE WE'RE LOOKING FOR? Progressive Eastern Colorado John Deere Agriculture dealership is hiring technicians.
We're proud of our experienced OW diesel service excellent facilities, beneifts and salaries and we're looking for someone to grow with us. If you are industrious and looking for a challange, consider joining our team. Call: Jeff Bieber at Kay Jan, Inc. Cheyenne Wells, Colo. 303-767-5605.
Area businessman has opening on a parttime basis. Good income, secure future. For appt. Write including ph. number P.O.
Box 926 So. Soo. City, Ne.68776. ATTENTION HOMEMAKERS Need extra money while your children are in school? Can earn $5. to.
$7. per hour flexible. Interviews Monday on only 10 AM 2 PM. 1216 12 th St. Babysitter wanted in my home.
Eves. Sgt. Bluff area. Ph. 943- 5398.
Call mornings. BOOKKEEPING A IP, AIR, need (2). Must have experience. Pratt Younglove, 255-7961. Out of Work? We can use you.
712-737-4276. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Large wholesaling business expanding Sioux City area. Need aggressive individual to set up manage consumer outlets. Approximately 4000 items are handeled. Training will be provided.
Excellent income potential. For person! interview write Including phone number P.O. Box 874, So. Soo. City, Ne.
68776. Chemical Dependency Family Therapist Wanted. Need approved counselor training and knowledge of family illness concept and intervention process. Send resume to: SIOUXLAND COUNCIL LON ALCHOLISM DRUG ABUSE 2825 Douglas, Sioux City, la. 51104 Dealine for application: Equal Opportunity Employer CHOIR DIRECTOR Augustana Luthern Church Call 255-76694 CLASSY Write news releases advertising.
Public relations promotions. $820 mo. Bobble 277-1161. SNELLING SNELLING 1025 Badgerow Bldg. Cleaning It's NEW It's in DEMAND It's PROFITABLE We will be selecting a few qualified people in your area who are willing to invest $10,990 for training and equipment in the NEW ACOUSTICAL CEILING CLEANING BUSINESS.
You could earn more money on Saturday than most people earn all week! For information call Mr. Shayne toll free (800) 538-6458 or write to Celling Maintenance Inc. 1666 S. Main, Milpitas, CA 95035. COMPUTOR TYPING Dictaphone-Bookkeeping.
Experience necessary, hr. Fee negotiable. Pratt Younglove, 255-7961. COOK Nights Weekends Apply In Person 11 AM to 2 PM Red Onion Restaurant 17 TH HAMILTON BLVD. Sales Help Wanted 36 $600 per mo.
2611 Pierce. 9 to 11 AM daily. Sales Help Wanted 36 Fertilizer Sales Retail level. Western lowa. Good wages and benefits.
Send resume to Box 188 So. Soo City, Ne. 68776 J.W.C. Helicopters is searching for well rounded sales individuals. Dress, appearance, attitude a must.
Benefits and opportunities unlimited. J.W.C. The World's Largest Helicopter Operation. Join our team and take off. Send resume with person description to: J.
Wilson Corp. 435 North Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills, Calif 90210 LICENSED LIFE AGENTS Sell all the new products. Universal life, mod products, non smokers rate for all products. Health products of all types available.
Proven lead systems for all markets. Call collect 515-276-4364, Aug. 29th, 6 to 9. PM. Monday Aug.
30th, 10 to 12 AM MAKE EXTRA MONEY During Your Spare Time! Show our new line of Calendars, Pens and Advertising Gifts to local firms. Prompt, friendly service from 73 year old, AAA-1 Company. Weekly commissions. No investment or collections. Be your own boss.
Full time potential. No experience necessary. Write Frank Buckley, NEWTON MFG. Dept. CA-3906, Newton, Iowa 50208.
NOTICE $1800 Monthly Up Qualified Individual needed to assume responsibility in our Customer Relation Department. Selected individual will handle Public Relation Service and Marketing. attractive account work available after a short period. ALL FINAL INTERVIEWS strictly confidential 712-255-5022 Office Hrs. 9-5 SALES MANAGER COMMISSION $1000 Per Week To Start Hottest national photo firm in America looking for leader to operate local office in phone sales or direct sales.
Our products sell for $30. Your profit up to $29. Salespersons average 1 sale per hour. Ph: Mr. Wright at 714-971-9188.
The Mileage Maker is coming. or more increase in mileage. No loss of power. Easy hookup. Dealers wanted.
Energy Savers, 513 South Main, Morton, Illinois 61550. SALES MANAGER OR REGIONAL SALES MANAGER If you have a proven track record in direct sales or sales management and know how to organize, recruit and train salespeople and want to make $40K to $50K per year, then salespeople that need your direction in this area. Our Company sells tangible products an dhas grown tremendously this past year. If you qualify, call: Randy Durr Person-to-person collect (402)592-3170 ASSOCIATED REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL JOIN THE LEADERS! We offer our agents, outstanding office facilities, the most comprehensive printed advertising program available and a choice of the top two commission plans in the industry. A commission plan with monthly expenses for less than you would expert or the most lucrative conventional commission plans offered in Sioux City.
CHECK US OUT! Sound interesting? Call Bob Campbell 255-7310 or 276-7641 for a confidential interview Professional Sales Professional sales openings for growing company with proven promotional programs. Job requires air travel every third week and relocation to our corporate offices in Orange City, lowa. Applicants should have several years professional sales experience working with major accounts through corporate, regional or divisional offices. College a plus. Must be well organized and self motivated.
Excellent starting salary, depending on background and related experience. Top benefit program includes both cash and deferred profit sharing. Send resume and salary history in complete confidence to personnel: INDUSTRIAL AIR PARK INC. ORANGE CITY, IOWA 51041 An Equal Opportunity Employer ARE YOU MAKING I'm 26 years old, in my WHAT YOU'RE HE WORTH? 1st year in the health Industry, made $98,000. have already made for the 1st 4 months of this year more than all of the previous year.
drive a $75,000 Clenete, a new El Dorado have 2 magnificent homes in California. We have a ground floor opportunity in the Sioux City area with complete training. Call Mr. Hughes 402-371-3845 August, 27 thru Sept 3rd 9 am to 5 pm Attention Excellent Opportunity $22,300 Up One of America's Major New York listed concerns is now expanding the Financial Service Division Servicing long time established company accounts, no canvassing, prospecting or solicIting. No relocation necessary.
Because of this, we will consider only solid, highly reliable candidates with at least 2 years experience dealing with the public. Must have excellent references. This is a ground floor opportunity with rapid management advances. Top earnings and outstanding company benefits. For confidential interview contact: Personnel Director Ph.
255-5021 Company Hrs. 9-5 Teachers Wanted 37 Homer Community School Needs substitute teachers for elementary and secondary for '82-'83. Contact Mike McTaggart, Principal at 402-698-2377. MEETING INSTRUCTOR Master's Degree in Business Administration or Business Education with graduate course work in Marketing. Must be certifiable by the SDPI.
Precious teaching experience preferred. Closing date August 23, 1982. Contact Personnel Office, Kirkwood Community College; An Equal Opportunity Employer Santee Public School NEEDS A BUSINESS MANAGER Qualifications are: BA in. Business administration or accounting. Experience or knowledge of full accounting desired.
Salary negotiable. Santee Public School located in Santee, Nebraska on the Santee Sioux Indian Reservation approximately 100 miles west of Sioux City, la. Direct all inquiries, applications and credentials to: Marvin Buzzard, Santee School, RR2, Niobrara, Nebraska 68760. Ph 402-857-3741. Title IV Teacher and Title IV Teacher Aides needed.
Send letter of application to Dr. Ervin DeBoer, Superintendent of Schools, Box 3 Walthill, Nebraska 68067. WHITING COMMUNITY SCHOOL Due to late resignation the Whiting community school is seeking applications for a Chemistry Physics Instructor. Coaching is available with this position. Send letter of application resume to: Supt.
Ken Northrup, Whiting, Iowa 51063 or call collect 712-458-2468. Employment Agencies 38 Interstate Personnel Service. Call258-7534 for App't. Positions Wanted 39 Registered babysitting, 5309 Hwy 75N. 239-2383.
Reliable babysitting in my home, have references. Vicinity Grandview, Ph: 255-3484. TLC for your little ones, any time, 2932 Jackson. Call Mary. 258-3665.
WANTED: part-time jobs, for Western lowa Tech students. 276-0380 Weekday child care in my home near St. Lukes. 252-0018. Will do housecleaning.
Reasonable reliable. Own trans- portation. 255-2589. Educational Instructions 42 BLOCK INCOME TAX COURSE JOB INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE FOR BEST STUDENTS Thousands are earning good ther growing field of income tax preparation. Now Block will teach you to prepare income tax returns in a special 14 week tuition course.
Classes conveniently scheduled to accomodate working students and housewives. Curriculum includes: Practice Problems, taught by experience Block instructors. Enrollment is open to men and women of all ages. No previous training or experience required. For Complete Details Call: Block, 1312 Pierce St.
252-4516. Contractors Positions Wanted 39 A recent graduate from Spencer School of Business, looking for a Jr. Accountant position. 712-376-4422. Babysitter, Briar Cliff, Crescent Park area.
Ph. 252-2862. Babysitting, M'Side, full time, also evening, weekends. 276-6058 DRESSMAKING. Alterations.
Relining. Mrs. Hurd. 258-5186. Former teacher will BABYSIT.
Enthusiastic, loves kids! N'side. Fenced yard. 255-8996. Local indidividual background wants to work as a paralegal. Ph 255-1016.
Building Materials 43 A BARGAIN I BEAMS. 33' x13 'x35' possible bridge beams. 26 35', x6' x38', 36', 20" x36', channel iron 10' lengths or longer; angle iron; 4x4 6x6 pipe all sizes. Wood Timbers ranging from 4" x6" to 16' I Go 3ra Nebraska. Kiln Dried mahogany, birch, etc.
D. Wise. Anthon, IA. 712-373-5019. OAK MATERIALS 2 Inch Oak for Hog Pen Slats OAK Kiln Dried ASH Moldings clear Kiln Dried OAK Stairways parts We Manufacture ALL items.
COLLINS MILLWORK Kennard, Ne. 402-427-7120. 2x12's, 16 24' long, 1x8 sheeting. Ph. 252-0559.
20 squares of Red French Roofing Tiles. 402-987-3458. Machinery and Tools: 44 Good Used Fork Lift Trucks. Older and Newer Models. thru Solid Pneum tires.
Gas LP Gas Elec. Bargain Prices. Pecaut Equip. Co. 277-3113.
Contractors Equipment 45 Bobcat 600 Skid Loader, $2,500. Phone 402-698-2470. Hough pay loader, Model HF, $1200. Ph. 712-946-5971, 946-5933.
PECO PECO FORK Lift Trucks, Gas Electric for Sale or Rent. or Month. Pecaut Equip. Co. 1819 4th.
St. 277-3113. Shop Air Compressor Units. 2-5 HP. New or used.
From $495. Carlson Machine Co. 255-1676. 1 Porta List 25 pump puller 10 HP engine. 712-727-3455.
1976 Dia Reo V-555 Cummin yd. Smith mixer. 1976 Dia Reo 6-200 gas yd. direct drive Smith mixer. 1973 Dia Reo 6-200 gas yd.
Smith mixer. 1968 Dia Reo 6-200 gas yd. direct drive new Smith mixer. Cement tanker with electric blower. 712-778-5215.
Rummage Garage Sales 46 N'Side, 2323. Jennings Rummage Sale Monday Tuesday, 9-4pm. N'Side Garage Sale Sunday 10-3, Corner of 27th, 2623 McFaul, lots 1 of school clothes, 3 girls St. Joseph uniforms, toys lots of misc. N'side rummage Store.
718 Court St. 9 to 5. Mon thru Sat. N'SIDE Rummage SAle, Lots of knick knacks, clothes, toys, household items, much more. Everything cheap, Aug.
26-29th. 10-6. 1325 Grandview. N'SIDE Rummage, all sizes clothing misc. 5309 Hwy 75 N.
1247. Tues. 9-5. Sat. 9-8, Sun.
9-5. NEED SOME EXTRA MONEY? Have a Garage Sale! Garage Sale Kits on SALE at the Sioux City Journal. Save NOW ONLY $1.00 Includes Garage Sale sign and arrow, also inventory sheet and price stickers. See any Want Ad Person at the Sioux City Journal. R'side.
Huge, huge rummage sale, 9 to 4, Sat Sun, 2304 Riverside Blvd. Old oak furniture, china cabinet, buffet, chairs dressers lots more furniture. year old Harvest Gold refrigerator, childrens adults clothes. This is a big rummage, so all come! No checks. R'SIDE Girls clothes size 12-14, Sun.
Mon. 10-4. 1511 LaPlante. So. Soo, 507-3rd Ave, welder, lots of fancy dishes.
12 to 6pm Sunday. So. Soo City, Bunk beds complete with bookshelf. 2 gold velvet chairs. Silver and chrystel serving piece.
Many odds ends of good quality items. See at 123 W. 7th. Fri. Sat.
Sun, 9 to 6. W'side, baby clothes, baby furniture, large ladies clothes, misc. 1309 W. 14th. Sun.
10-5. Wed. thru Sat. 10-5. W'Side.
Rummage. 1412 W. 16th. Children clothing and misc. W'side, 2901 Edmunds Ave.
Size 6-6X girls clothes pre teen. Misc, 9-5. W'Side. 612 W. 9th.
Fri. Sat. Sun. 10 to 6. Air conditioner, ceramics bisk, clothing, bed.
Oriental rugs. Antiques. misc. items. W'Side Giant moving sale, walnut game table, dining table, chiffarobe, 4 walnut chairs, bar Karastan rug, oid wicker rocker, combination, lots of misc.
103 Kansas, Fri, Sat Sun. W'SIDE Huge rummage, Thurs. thru Sun. 205 So. Davidson, no checks.
W'side Rummage, Sun only. Playpen, highchair, much misc. 10 to 4. 101 Leonard. W'SIDE Rummage, Kitchen cabinet, school clothes, misses size 10-14, boys 14, misc.
household items. Harlequins, bike, kitchen set. Sun. only 9-5. 1610 Rebecca.
Contractors Enuipment 45 Eauipment. 45 HD 16 DP hydraulic dozer HD 11 EP hydraulic dozer HD 21H cable dozer D8 22,000 series, hyd. dozer with tilt D7F 94N Hyd. straight salt un dercarriage D7 17A turbo 314 Shoate scraper D6C 76A hyd. ST with tilt with new engine 2 Cat No.
12 MG, oil clutch Michigan 55, 4WD loader, gas, yd. bucket Owatonna 78 skidloader 2 Tandem lowboys, new 1 Used tandem lowboy 22 Ton For Parts Service Tele-Quip Ask For Joe or We Appreciate Your Business CB EQUIPMENT 1130-10th Ave. Council Bluffs, IA Ph. 712-328-1901 Rummage Garage Sales 46 E'side. Decorator shelves, chair that makes into bed, recliner, girls boys clothes, misc.
1833 Glendale. Sun. E'side. Holiday Village, Lot 167, Yard Sale misc. Sat, Sun Mon 9 to 5.
E'Side 1414 Lansdown Ave, 7 familys, everything cheap, all sizes, baby-X large. Washer dryer, bowling ball shoes, sewing machine, car top carrier, books, kitchen gadjets, collectables, Avon bottles, ping pong table. Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon 9-4 Giant Rummage Bake Sale American Legion Post Sat Sun 8-4pm, located at the old Quick Shop, corner of Hwy 75 11th St. Leeds Rummage. 5309 Hwy 75 Lot 384.
Sat. Sun. M'side. rummage: 1119 So. Linn.
10 AM to 6 PM, Sat. Sun. Lots of misc clothes. M'Side. School clothes, wine bottles, tools, misc.
3812 Stone Ave. Sat. Sun. M'SIDE Moving rummage sale, 9AM-5PM, owl collection, baby crib, gas heater, 2 electric hot plates, coffee table, old books, more misc. 2821 So.
Lemon. M'SIDE RUMMAGE, 9-5. 2418 So. St. Aubin.
M'side sale. Kids clothing infant to 6X, also, adults. Mini Maytag washer, 2 Pinto tires, toaster oven, much more misc. 3210 5th Ave. Sat.
Sun. 10-5. N'Side. Garage Sale. 813 20th.
St. In the Alley. Sat. Sun. N'side.
rummage sale. 1318 Summit. 9-4. Fri. thru Sun.
N'side. 1318 Navaho Circle, 7 to 7. Moving. Adult clothes, recreation items misc. W'Side Clothes misc.
1900 Fawcett, Sat Sun 9-5pm. Miscellaneous 47 Large set of lovely dishes, Alova Vera (burn) plants, large dog house freezer. Eves Sun only. 2711 Stone Park Blvd. List with INDEPENDENCE REAL ESTATE.
Member MLS. 277-3260. MINI FLEA MARKET 10-5, Mon-Sat. 1004 255-4634. Popcorn Candy Bar Machine, Barber chair sink.
255-1410. "SUPER AD" 1959 Austin Healey Bug Eye Delta Wing Hang Glider 68 450 Honda Set of Rogers Double bass drum set. PH. 258-7320. Telephone Poles for sale, $4.00 each.
Ph 605-334-2056. TRS 80 Level Computer keyboard, manuel instruction tape, tape recorder many new tapes, $375. Ph 252-1114. Two wheel trailer, 4' 6" x6' long green recliner, furnace conversion burner, 250,000 BTUs, table leaves. 255-6403.
Used Dinette Set. $25. ph. 252-3528. Used Lawn Mowers Service Call 258-6888.
Used washers, dryers, stoves, refrigerators. Ph. 252-0312 or 258-7939. 1500 Rock St. Dale Millard.
Walnut tree for sale. Call 712-546-5487 after 5PM. WANTED bar stools, bar, gas grill, deep fryer, older cash register. Box 68, Chatsworth, la, 51011. Ph: 712-552-1400.
WANTED Oak bookcases, library table, china cabinet, roll top desk. Ph: 276-3645 WANTED: Good furniture, appliances, misc. 258-8695. WANTED: Medium size cement mixer. PH.
232-4425 or 232-4009. WANT: Old metal toys, any time, prefer good shape. PH. 276-8167 Wards modern woodburning Franklin fireplace, new, maybe connected to class A chimney. Ph: 252-2001.
WESTSIDE LITTLE LEAGUE ASSOCIATION AUCTION SUNDAY AUGUST 29 Kirk Hanson Park On West 19 1:00 P.M. All New Merchandise Tools Box open end wrench sets, drill press, vises, grinders, socket impact wrenches, ratchet wrenches, hammers, screw drivers, gear pullers, pliers, vise grips, Etc. Gift Novelty Items Radios of all kinds, jewelry, watches, cast iron toys, Bisque figurines, fancy dolls, binoculars, brass figurines, bells, and much more! Furniture Items Furniture for every room in your home. Items Subject to Prior Sale Bill Groth Auctions Winter Radials size P19575 14 with wheels, fits Chevy. convential Maytag washer.
Ph. 255-9071. 10ft Heavy duty utility trailer $550. Boys Schwinn bicycle $25. Ph: 252-5219.
1982 Honda 500cc, low miles, $1500. Radio control model airplane equipment 233-2825. 2. Black leather men womens jackets, $200, like new. Ph.
255- 5795. Magnavox color TV $140. Alcoma Apts, Bidg Apt 3, McCook Lake, No. Soo City. 24' 10 speed boys Western Flyer, good shape, Playhouse, 7'x9' combination door window, carpeted, panelled on inside, shingled new lumber materials used.
Will sell school desks, Spitz co*cker mix. Likes kids. 258-7321. 3 ft. steel wheel, pitcher pump.
well pump, 283 engine. 4 speed pickup transmission. 494-4536. 6 ft. water trough, $15.
15 bu. Pax feeder, $125. Herculon $75. Call after 6 PM. 987-3613.
Miscellaneous 47 For sale: wood trailer steps, high lift Jack, 5 tires 6.00x16 good. Ph. 712-373-5605. FOR SALE: Cub Cadet 123 hydro. 110 JD mower, deck, snow blower, 4 each 70 drawer parts cabinets, 255-1601.
For sale: Troy bilt tiller, 8 HP. Needs engine. 2 yrs. old. Take as is for $300 or best offer.
Ph. 712-668-4174. FOR SALE: 8 ft. pickup topper, like new. PH.
274-1407. FURNITURE FACTORY OUTLET 201 Pierce St. FURNITURE SALE 1415 Jackson 252-5123. Al Aspleaf. Get Federal Tax Kit for 1979-1980-1981-1982 1983.
Stop Kidding Yourself, avoid costly court cost. Your Memory fools you. You can't even remember the Ten Commandments. Tax Kit. Send Post Paid $5.00 to: Rapid, Box 312, Sioux City, la.
51102. GOOD USED MOWERS No phone calls please JOHNSON'S 306 Wesley Way. Graco 33 airless paint sprayer 258-8337. GRAVES GRAVES Auctioneers 494-1206 or 494-2461 GUN SHOW Sioux City Auditorium Sat, Aug 28, 9-5. Sun, 9-4.
HOT SHOT woodburning furnaces stoves, PHOENIX fireplace inserts, LOG BOSS wood splitters, lay aways. Carl Guv. 233-1234 or 233-1300. For Sale. 2 wooden coal stoves.
Pigeons of various kinds. 255-9223. Executive desk chair, secretary desk chair, 4 piece office chair settee, book rack, bookcase, end table, 2 4 drawer steel filing cabinets, fireproof size file, 4 ft. steel safe, typewriter stand, 1000 file folders, 2 stenorettes, tape recorders, office supplies etc. PH.
712-277- 4504. Rabbits, weaned, 8 for $10. Butcher $3.00. Bantams $1.25. Will buy table saw, good mitre box, rabbit pens.
PH. 255-1117. Refrigerator. Baby Buggy attach. Pony saddle.
Weight set. many misc. 14th. Sell Antiques, Used Furn. Coll.
718 W. 7th. Hot Line 252-3956. Sergeant Bluff Brickyard Cleanup. Prices under cost to make room.
Patio Block, Bats and others. 1 per pound. 943-5581. Sewing machine, HP lawn garden shredder, triple wall stove chimney, chain saw accessories, firewood storage rack. PH.
494-5985. Snow Tires, also wheels hundreds of hub caps thousands of used parts for cars trucks. 514 So. Lewis Blvd. "SUPER AD" Transmission Special.
I. GM Chrysler Products 2 wheel drive $185. This includes removing, rebuilding, reinstalling 3 mo. guarantee. Also general repair.
Economy Transmission. 494-4408. 7 ft. Contemporary suede couch, never used. $750 new, $450 to sell.
PH. 712-889-2895. 85,000 BTU Lennox gas furnace. Good condition. PH.
252-1255. Miscellaneous 47 HOUSEHOLD AUCTION Sunday, Aug 29, 4501 Laurel Sioux City, la MODERN FURNITURE: Tappan gas stove, Amana chest freezer, small dinette table, small dropleaf kitchen table, 2 large folding banquet tables, wooden cabinet, 2 bar stools, Presto humidifier, 12'' TV, Zenith record player, Sears chord organ, Blue Lazy Boy recliner, gold swival rocker, platform rocker, bookshelf, kidney shape table, walnut knee hole desk chair, 2 double beds complete, small chest of drawers, 2 school desks, night stand, typing table, linens, dishes, pans, electrical kitchen appliances misc housewares. Full set of 12 china, lawn chairs, large picnic table metal frame, like new. Gas gril on stand new color TV antena. COLLECTABLES: Commode, dresser with large mirror, has leaf design carving, oak kneehole desk, 4 bow back chairs, oak hall tree, oak nic nacs collectable glasswares, egg case more misc items.
TOOLS: Dunlap 6" table saw, skill saw, bench grinder, jig saw, orbital sander, drill on stand, electric glue gun, Stanley miter box saw, pipe threader, vise, small anvel, electrical chords, lots of carpenter tools, masonry tools, small hand tools handyman supplies. Two Nova studded tires, OUTDOOR TOOLS: Lawn Boy lawn mower, Springfield snowblower, yard spreader, wheelbarrow, sprayer, misc yard garden tools supplies, aluminum 1 extension ladder, 8' aluminum ladder. MRS. ORVILLE SMITH TERMS: Cash or check settlement the day of sale. Not responsible for accidents.
AUCTIONEERS CLERKS: Eugene Martindale Son Joe Turin, la Bernard Farber, Onawa, la Bestway Auction Services Turin, lowa. Ph: 712-353-6669 Preway fireplace free standing, bright red. Complete. Like new. Set of 10 combination aluminum storm windows for house.
PH. 274-1285. For Sale: Complete Snap-OnTool set and tool cabinet. 51 inches high by 32 inches wide. For details call 712-546-7937.
For Sale. King Size Water Bed 255-0333 For Sale. Thermo-King car air conditioner, $150. portable TV, like new, $50.00 18' ext. ladder, extends to 36', galvinized, heavy duty, $100.00.
Call 276-3882. FOR SALE: Pinball machine, excellent condition $175. Side by side refrigerator freezer $125. PH. 494-6486.
For sale: Sears upright freezer, Wards tiller, Sears dishwasher, pool table, jewelry of appraised value misc houshold items. 232-4097 after 6 pm. FOR SALE: Dinette set, walnut grain in formica top table. PH. 232-4591.
FOR SALE: Antique white decorative traverse rod, white blue woven wood shade, light blue semi sheer drapery. All custom made for 54x49" window 494-1844 EMERGENCY FACTORY LIQUIDATION Furniture Waterbeds Trucks are rolling in now with factory fresh selections of furniture waterbeds. Top Quality name brand inventory at Rock Bottom Prices! Just stop in see to believe. Where ya 'll can Save Boocoo bucks! MIDWEST LIQUIDATION CENTER 4th Court, Sioux City, lowa 2 HOUSES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS TOOLS AT PUBLIC AUCTION Located at 305 Linn Street in Marcus, lowa Wednesday, September 1 Starting at 12:30 on the personal property. The houses will sell at 6:30 p.m.
UNIT Linn Strret. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 7 Block 23 of the Second Addition to the Yown of Marcus. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This is a small, comfortable home with slate siding, asphalt shingles and combination windows. There are 2 bedrooms and a large closet upstairs. Main floor consists of bedroom, living room, kitchen with cupboards, double sink and pantry, and there is a full bath with tub.
The floors are oak and there are some inlaid and tile coverings. There is a front entry to the living room with cement steps and iron railing. The back entry way leads to either the kitchen or the basem*nt. The basem*nt is cement block and has a stool, sink and drain. There is an A.0.
Smith hot water heater, water softener, Lennox gas furnace and a near new Maxi-Heat wood furnace with cement block chimney. There is a 20 x24" double garage with overhead doors and overhead storage area. The garage has cement floor, drop siding and a work bench with storage drawers. There is also a good cement driveway. The unit is in a good state of repair.
UNIT II: Located at 403 Walnut Street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 7 Block 5 of the First Addition to the Town of Marcus. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This is a small house in need of repair and it will sell as is. TERMS: Buyers will be expected to sign an ordinary sales contract and to pay of purchase price on the day of the sale. Balance is due when merchandise abstract and title are delivered to buyer.
October 1st possession. The taxes will be prorated to the date of possession. Announcements made day of sale supersede anything printed herein. The houses will be open for inspection on the day of the sale or by appointment with the auctioneer or the Farmers State Bank. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Small Kelvinator upright freezer; Kelvinator refrigerator with freezer on top; Tappan 40" stove; wood dinette table; kitchen stool; Maytag wringer washer; antique oak recliner; Motorola console color TV; antique treadle sewing machine for leather; 2 wood wardrobes; 2 occasional chairs; rocker; 3 metal beds; day bed; rollaway; chest of drawers; dresser with mirror; dresser; press back, mule ear chair; 2 mule ear chairs; 2 ice cream stools; lawn chairs; linens and beeding; dress mold; homemade soap; aquarium; small trunk; magazine rack; caroom board; Zenith portable radio; Hamilton Beach malt mixer; Dormeyer stainless steel mixer; portable mixer, toaster, pots, pans, Pyrex numerous frying pans; kitchen utensils and many misc.
dishes; crock bowls; 3 gal. crocks, 10 gal. Redwing crock 2 larger crocks; gas lantern gas camp stove; kerosene lamp; rug beaters; large ice tongs; advertising thermometers; glass top jars, some dated; barn lantern; oil jug and spout; hog scraper; collector's ash trays; horse bits: scale weight; yardstocks: wood boxes; nail kegs; milk and cream cans; advertising Items; pitcher pump; shoe lasts; barn rope pulleys; can openers; hay hooks and harpons; hay knives; log saws; wedges; large lead ladle; many misc. aricles. TOOLS: Good 150 lb.
anvil; several smaller anvils; 5" bench vise; bench vise; pipe vise; drill press; hand drill press; Sioux 7" sander polisher: drill; drill; bench grinder with H.P. motor; hack saw on Stand with motor; forge with electric motor: Homelite XL72 chain saw; Presto lite torch with tank; New Harris cutting tools, gauges hoses; cutting torch; T. Chain hoist; 3 bag carts; 5' step ladder; 14' ladder: drop cords; saw horses; parts bin; lever jack; ladder hooks; clamps; 4 lead ladles; electric boxes; gas cans; 2 post drivers; metal tubs; several old magazines; oil cans; 12 hand saws; spades, picks, shovels, forks, hatchets, axes, levels steel brushes; 6 sledges; large supply of hand tools; push lawn mower; garden plows; yard garden tools; metal cabinets; small Wainscoat cupboard; lockers; many misc. shop Items. 12'x14' brooder house.
1975 Dodge 4 WD pickup red tile. TERMS: Cash. No property to be removed until settled for. Items subject to change. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS.
AUCTIONEERS: Frank Escue, Cherokee 712-225-4072; Jim Brown, Ida Grove 364-2473 OWNER: HARRY KAISER ESTATE Farmers State Bank of Marcus, Executor of Estate, 376-4154 A ATTENTION FINAL DAY, AUGUST 31st EVERYTHING GOES Junior, Misses, sizes, Petites. Dresses, Pant Suits, Co-ordinates, Slacks and Tops. Lingerie, Bras, Girdles. DOT'S SHOP 1956 Riverside Blvd. Ph.
233-1832 Customer Parking Hrs. 9 to 5, Daily. Closed Sunday Miscellaneous 47 Air conditioner, 10,000 BTU $150. 255-8429. AUCTION Aug.
29th 11:00 AM 3000 MEMORIAL DRIVE On the way to Stone Park Couch 2 chairs; 4 end tables; dinette set; refrigerator; double oven stove; dining room table buffet; oak bedroom set; drapes; linen bedding; stereo; movie camera; CB radio; lawnmower; shop vacuum; picnic table; ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES: Several dishes; some sets assorted glassware; mink stole; old wooden rocking horse; milk can; old English bowl; coffee grinder; old bicycles; old Red Cross box; old cast iron train set; several boxes of track misc. parts; old coins; many other good clean items. ESTATE OF LOUISE VANDER BROOK Executor Caroline Lawson Dave West: Auctioneer Beautiful Ivory wedding dress veil size 8, 6 year size baby crib complete only $25. playpen $5, chain saw $175, vac $99, can be seen at National Rentals, 410 W. 7th st.
Ben Franklin woodburning stove accessories, $110. Call after 5pm 494-4799. BIFOCALS In Three Hours Vision Optical 252-0933. CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Sale Every Sunday, 2:00 PM Siouxland Auction 402-494-6513 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Sun. Aug.
29, 2 PM. Free Door Prizes Every Hour Appliances, Portable Color TV. Portable TV. Dinette set. Complete bedroom set.
42" basemetal cabinet with sink. 6940 TM Suzuki dirt motorcycle. 80 cc. 4 speed Suzuki motorcy-. cle.
BOB CAT MELROSE, 20 ft. flatbed aluminum trailer. Many more misc. items. Siouxland Auction Jct.
77 Old 20. So. Soo City 402-494-6513 Cub Cadet International Garden Tractor mower, 10 HP, electric start, excellent condition, $675. 258-0891 or 255-0853. Double hung windows, triple glazed with screens, cheap.
258-3612. EYES EXAMINED Monday through Saturday. VISION OPTICAL. 401 Pearl st. 252-0933.
AUCTION SUNDAY, AUG. 29 1:00 P.M. 2813 CLARK SIOUX CITY, IOWA From 27th turn north on Lafayette St. 36 in. round table with leaf and 4 chairs.
Formica top table with 4 chairs. Utility stand. 2 pc. nylon living room set. 2 occasional chairs.
Recliner rocker, hassock. 2 Berkline wall-a-way recliners, like new. Double bed, complete. Roll-away bed. Waterfall desk.
Desk lamp. Antique chest of drawers. Antique kneehole desk. Small antique folding table. G.E.
port. record player. G.E. window air conditioner, 1 yr. old.
2 flower stands. Numerous live house plants. Carpet sweeper. Hanging utility cabinet. Set of encyclopedias.
Elec. fry pan, G.E. hand mixer. 2 food choppers, Elec. crockpot.
8 pl. set Sheffield dishes. Pressure cooker. Norelco coffee maker. Misc.
pots pans. 3 metal lawn chairs. Columbia moped, 197 actual miles. 8-ft. pickup rack.
Railing for pickup box. New grill for 1974 Dodge pickup. 2 12 V. batteries. 3 log chains.
4 pcs. paneling. Fertilizer spreader. Shovels, tools, other misc. items.
Lester Sitzman, Owner Vernon Randy Stabe, Auctioneers Stabe Auction Clerk Terms Cash Bidding numbers will be used. Not responsible for accidents. Antiques Stamps 48 ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, COINS, STAMPS AUCTION SAT, SEPT 4, 10:00 A.M. SIOUX FALLS, S.D. HOWARD JOHNSON MOTOR LODGE 1-29 NORTH, AIRPORT EXIT The collection includes: fine art-glass, Peach blow: RS Prussia berry set; RS Prussia footed cracker jar; brides baskets; vaseline; Northwood; carnival; capo -D- monti; Loetz; Belleek; Vasart; Nippon; Dresden; cruet sets; pickle castors; ed wood Bavarian; Rosenthall; Royal Rudolstadt; Royal Beyreuth; Lg.
ruby flashe creamer sugar -S- pooner butter pitcher; pink satin hanging lamp; 15 clocks; carriage clocks; RR watches; 80 lots COINS 1846 to present, write auctioneer for list; 5 Edison phonos 2 cylinders; many prints; 1st ed. books; primitives; pottery: much gold and silver jewelry; tapestries; mandolin; violin and bows; cylinder music bow 10 tune; walnut dressers; chairs; tables; foreign and US Stamps. OWNERS MD. GUTCHER AUCT WAYNE STEWART CAI AUDUBON, IA. 712-563-4288 AUCT RICHARD STEEN ALSEN, S.D.
605-253-2283 Miscellaneous 47 Prichard's buys sells better used furniture, lowest prices. 2109 So Paxton Tues-Sat. 276-7460 AAA Auctioneers Call (712)-255-1883 Antiques Wanted: Oak furniture, war souvenirs, postcards, antique guns, clocks, etc. 252-0371. Adding machine, malted milk mixer, fruit jars, brick hammer, antique doll trunk buggy, hearing device, pant suits size 16.
PH. 239-1572. Antiques Stamps 48 GOLDEN OAK ANTIQUES Wholesale-Retall-1901 W.6th. Will buy old Post Cards, Sheet Music and Misc. Papers.
276-8865. Calling all Antiquer's, Collectors-Flea Marketer's. DON'T MISS THE BIG ULMER, IOWA's 10th Annual Antique, Collector Flea Market on Sept. 4th Sept. 5th.
(Labor Day Weekend). Thats ULMER, IOWA (18 miles North of Carroll on US 71-175). GUN SHOW Sioux City Auditorium Sat, Aug 28, 9-5. Sun, 9-4. WALNUT rocker, wicker back bottom, excellent condition.
$125. 258-1249. Sporting Goods 49 Buy sell or trade guns. Call Earl. 712-947-4698.
Buying, selling trading new used guns. PH: 402-494-5236. DISCOUNT GOOSE DUCK DECOYS for sale. (by Flambeau). Also calls-anchors-waders.
Call for information toll free. Knutson's Rec. Sales. 1-800-248-9318. For Sale: 1 EZ Golf Cart.
See John or Dick at Sioux Harbor Truck Stop, 29 South. For Sale: Ithica SKB, Model 600, trap gun, 12 gauge, like new, $550. 712-873-3975. GUN SHOW Sept. 18-19.
Christensen field, Fremont Nebr. Tables $15. Larry Voecks, Rt. 1, Fremont, Ne. 68025.
GUN SHOW Sioux City Auditorium Sat, Aug 28, 9-5. Sun, 9-4. Hawkins 50 cal. black power gun with sling, power, pouch balls. $200.
712-472-2966. Weight bench 712-225-2943. E-Z-Go Golf Cars New Car Spring Sale Get A Price--Get Our Price For Less-1 or Any quanity We Trade Colors-3 4 wheel Electric. Also Gas with oil injection. used Remanufactured Cars.
Exide Batteries. Lowest Price in lowa DEALERS Brookside Golf Course Kingsley, la. 712-378-2595 Chuck or Rollie GOLF CAR Sales Service 707 Lake Ave Storm Lake, la. 712-732-3292 Wally Bruns Vince Loomis Iowa's Oldest Distributor Our 16th Year Boats and Motors 50 A-1 SUMMER SPECIALS Johnson Motors-Lund Boats Coast to Coast. So.
Soo. City, Ne. Boat, motor trailer, fiberglass runabout, 65 HP Mercury, rebuilt tilt, $1500. 494-5902 or 494-5906. Boat, motor trailer, 14ft aluminum fishing boat, 7.5 HP motor, excellent condition.
605-966-5544 Jefferson, So. Boat Trailer, older 16 ft. Gator. $225. Ph.
255-4686. CIMMARINA HARBOR PH: 277-2917 NEW USED BOATS 1979 IMP 20' Aztec hardtop (New) 1980 IMP 17' Apache (New) 1979 IMP 20' Aztec (New) 1980 28' Chriscraft twin 225's (100 hrs) 25' Bayliner twin 140's 1979 17' Mark Twain, 150 Merc OB 1981 Lowe Line, 25hp Merc, 5 hrs 1979 22' Starcraft Islander. 1976 22' Cruiser Inc 233 1976 Cobra Jet trailer 1976 Glaspar 16', 75hp Chrysler 1976 Cruiser 25' Bar Harbor 233 Merc 1975 IMP Navajo 188 Merc 1974 Reinell 22' cruiser 1971 Glastron 100 Merc 1967 Larson Merc EXPERT PROPELLER REPAIR 2417 C'ville Rd. Buck Kaufmann. For sale or trade for Jon boat: 16' marine boat, 58 HP Mercury tilt trailer.
Ph. 712-886-5459. For Sale: ISLANDER SAILBOATS Call 255-8050 Mon. thru Fri. Full line of Alumacraft fishing boats, evinrude motors Shorelander all roller trailers.
FREE $100's worth of accessories on new rig purchased in Sept. New X-15 Lowrance Graph $639, new 50HP Evinrude tiller $2250. 17ft Canoes $306.74. Buy a new Jon boat now Save. Boat Farm, LTD, Rt 1, LeMars, la.
712-546- 9550. Open weekends eves. Hitches Wiring Off Class Il Hitches in Stock D.W. Hitch 239-1634 Leeds House Boat 42' Gibson, 1975. Loaded.
Excellent. $35,000. Details call 712-258-3032. Johnson outboard motor, 5 HP, excellent trolling motor $275. Canvas cartop carrier, good condition $25.
494-2079. Mercury 18 ft. white tan, walk thru hull, fiberglass ski equipment, trailer, low hours, free 82 berth at Cimmarina, Excellent family boat that will hold value due to special features. Bank financing available. $6400 or will trade on late model van.
258-8888. Must sell: 77 Crestliner 19' best offer. 277-4446. Reduced Price. 20 ft.
Renell and tandum trailer. Used very little. Trade possible. 239-4886. 16 Lund aluminum fishing boat, 35 HP Evinrude, Shorelander trailer.
Fish locater. 712-727-3455. Sea Nymph Boats, Johnson Motors, repairs. HILLS MARINE, Onawa, la. Ph.
712-423-1755. WANTED TO BUY: Old wooden boats, 274-1739. 14' Herter's fiberglass boat, with trailer 10 HP Johnson. Includes boat cover. Call 712-324-3687, Sheldon, IA.
14 ft. Monarch, aluminum boat, extra wide deep, trailer, 25 HP Evinrude. PH. 233-1958. Coleman canoe, like new.
$200. PH. 494-5985. 16 ft. Starcraft aluminum open boat, wide deep HP Johnson long shaft trailer.
Excellent shape depth finder, all 1978. 6 HP motor, nice shape, short shaft $75. 2-10 speed electric motors, pushes big boats 712-546-5809 LeMars, la..