The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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16 THE WASHESOTON JPOT SATURDAT DECEMBER 7 1907 Gifts for Meii Combination box of Neckwear and Suspenders Mens WaDdnf Gloves 1j00 18 Slippers uA novelty of our own Suspenders and Neckties to match in the same box Plain colors withself embroideries tasteful rich jgoods in soecial bpxes at 2 i TtAjfar better Glove than youd expect atfther price particularly as glove prices are soaring In tan regular and cadet styles seams embroidered backs Hand turned Kid Sljppers full kid lined Romeo Eveet and Opera styles tan andblackr plain or patent leatherfetrimhiings Si aks ittptuj Pennsylvania Avenue Seventh Street ml Mas JHl ill iff iBblu If The Saxon Notice the full chesty appearance of our clothes Nothing skimpy about our merchandise We sell the best that can be bought and for the least money Our Saturday special is a 2250 value in a suit of clothes fully guaranteed in every particular for 1800 Gopynrht 1 907 a The House of Kiippchheunw Hats 250 and 300 Hats in leading styles Belgian Tan Gray Black or Brown ft nj Saturday only 1 OD Gloves 1J0 values in Spear bck Suede and Dogskin Gloves in cadet long or regular lengths Special to day best rfl makes plUU Underwear Genuine Coopers Balbng gan and fleece lined Under wear 150 values Per garment Shirts Garners Fancy Percale pleated and plain scuffs attached and detached regular L50 I IKJ value Special tor to day Jrm 95c This Sterling Silver Chatelaine Watch and Pin only 300 Sterling Silver Chatelaine Match with sterling silversilver pin guaran teed trmpiece Regular 5 00 valve Our special 300 jtunucK Lbt tor tteBig aocJc FiBDtk asd Tmds Safe for Hire A Gift of Furniturej You could not give a better Christmas present and then we will trust you on anything you might want Mayer 6 Co 46 to 417 Seventh Street Civc iht Man a Razor fwXma We are theirlac all oe4 makes ot resors Isdadlos tl pnplr nfty nion Endre or Erer Keady Safety Haror complete with 12 sharp blades nn only PlUU HAD CI I HttW STOKE RRItlOCLL IW5 7 smxtsi Albert JaaMB rprietr Pttrakast tf CtafUtig Ai Panic Pritts SIS and 439 Suits aad Overcoats hand tall ored and Btyjlshly cut only 1250 lmWIfWI HfVinl a Trousers FREE The chance of a lifetime 1 I Tnust reduce my enormous stbek which is four times as big as any other tailor iri Washington is carrying So I am making up 18 and 20 valuesnn Suits and Overcoats at Sii 75 And throwing in an extra pair of Trousers for which would ordinarily charge 4 or 5 absolutely Free Horn SL 637 IISISTS OH PURE MILK Sealtk Officer Vwiwari iimiuiftcrrvsccRiHws DEFENDS HIS STTBORDDfATE Declares Analyses of Dr Hattan to Eef ereace to Case of Milk Dealers Brought Into Police Court Hare Been Borne Out tia Subsequent Tests Corporation Counsel Will Determine Future Course BAPTIST ICalvast baptist church eighth and Kreeu aonavtstr Ker guaul oraea vv pwtorSJ0 a bu SmdurebooT Brtotov I rapennteMrat MWK vormbtp vfta fenm Br th putor 11 ul aa CTcnW vKb th choir 7n oclock Tncbera Blbla Oo TbsndT JC Chiirch Tr7r mtlng bl EwJttTOr nNtun TSMun tb aaasunur iji ni i Ait art corattilj ibtkm JtttVlCES I The Only Store in Washington Selling Kifppcnhelmer Clothes 1Q13 PA AVE i ii ii Tha case of Griffith Griffith who kwer accused of harlnff Aid milk con tabling tear than 30 per cent bf butter fat waa dismissed In Police Court yes terday by Judge jMuDowny Inspector Hatton of the health department admitted that be knew little of chemistry and that he did not know whAt constitut ed butter fat Health Officer Woodward aald last evening It la the purpose of the health de partment to continue the prosecution of milk dealers who sell adulterated milk and cream and Jthe elation which some of tie officers and members of the Milk Dealers Association and the Retail Gro cers Association manifest over expected temporary exemption from prosecution wm proDaDiy De or snort duration Corporation Counsel to Decide What course wili be pursued with re spect to future te8Umohy by Df Hatton he aded will be determined After con sultation with the corporation counsel If the court persists Mn refusing to allow him to testify to facts within his own Jcncwledge relatlye to the Case at Issue tnen i wnj nA necessary to have an tne routine analyses of TnlllT done by Dr Lynch chcmlst of the department until tne matter can De settled Dr Woodward said that In the present instance Dr Hattons function was merely that of an ordinary witness who had full knowledge of the results of certain recognized testa applied to the cream submitted by the defendant and that he could not comprehend under what prin dole of lair his testimony was excluded There is not the slightest reason he said for believing that any injustice has been done to any vender of milk through any analysis made by Dr Hat ton Never in any case in which th reserved portions of samples of milk oi cream have been procured by the vender for analysis by his own chemist has the result of Dr Hattons work been disputed or even questioned Unjust to Dr Hatton He said further that it is unjust to DrsH4tton and to the health department to say that Dr Hatton knows nothing of chemistry as he took a three years dental course where he learned the chemistry ordinarily taught there and that after entering the health department he was taught by Prof Hird then chemist for the department who was yesterday associated with counsel for Jh defendant and that he has since come under the instruction or Chemist Lynch Members of the Grocers and Milk Dealers associations believe Hattons ad mission of lack of knowledge about chemistry and buttenfats will end the crusade against adulterated milk and cream because the court announced thati it will not convict In cases where Hat tons tesUmony stands unsupported RECEIVED BIGHT SIGNAL Engine Crews Version of the Recent Tunnel Accident The depositions of James 31 Saunders engineer and Rufus I Mitchell fireman of trainTfo 215 relative to the recent collision at the south entrance of the tunnel to the new Union Station werel received hy the Commissioners yester day They were taken at Providence TJrumfTal wnra triA rwn mAn am nonv ering froin 1 1 juries received In the wreck Both men said they had received the proper signal from the switchman at tbe north end of the tunnel to proceed and tnt tney were not aware mat tney had crossed to the wrong track They said that they knew nothing as to the condition of thecross swltch the wrong setting of which is alleged to have caus ed the accident FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH STREET NEAR Saruitb rathvest Or Weston Braner nilnutrj Ker Moore antstaaL Sunday school SO Bancs ani PhlUtbca classes 10 lfa mt rbs Vlctorloa Cbriat by request 9 Sonr oi in ureat Jung Great cBorua traniM oj nr wnnam i Palmer iiim Graca Beelman cot oet solDbrt EPISCOPAL ST JOHNS CHURCH SIXTEENTH ANDi If nreeu tuv KOiana uorton 8ml CO ht 8 Dvolao mat Rr Blaelow hor coonrankin ocJock morniog prayer aaft sermon sanaay seboal 41 ss caorai OTenaong aao ermos Tburaoay aoiy communJoa at noon Dally Tealag prayer Wednesday ad drest il I ST ALBAITS CHURCH MOUNT ST ALBANj Rer Bratenahl rector Holy coia mnnlon at 7 Sanday achool at 45 a mora Inf prayer and sermon at 11 oclock srentna prayer aad address at 4 oclock CHURCH OI THE GOOD SHEPHERD 8IXTH aad itrecu aorUeatt Rev 8 Abbott Serrlcea at TS0 am It a tv IM a 10 tn Sonday eckool 30 a cauBCH ofyte piphanx street between Thtrtceetk aad Fonrteesth atreeta Rer McKloviD rector Holy commanlon a ra otner ernces II a 4 and I the rector will preecn at 11 a and AU aeata tree except itllL tn At 11 a atransera Wilt be provided irttb seats by the oshen All velcome Snnday school 30 a aad I LUTHERAN SWEDISH SERVICE WILL BE HELP AT THE LatheraBi Charca on Fourteenth street aad Thomaa ctrcla Suoif erenlna at etock AU welcome KELLER MEMORIAL MARYLAND AVENUE and Ninth streets northeast Preachlnc 11 and 7 JO by Rev wiles of Plttsburt Sunday school JO Jtnior aad Senior Chrlstlaa EndesTOr If and I JO METHODIST EPISCOPAL METROPOLITAN MEMORIAL CHURCH Preacblaa at 11 a nu by Rer Frank Bristol ETenlas serrlce mwlcal An Erentnf with Handel Snnday achool and Metropolitan Bible class 19 a Epworth Leasoe 4S tn CONGREGATIONAL PTRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH TENTH and streets northwest Rer Samuel Wood row pastor 11 a poblfc worship with sermon by the pastor A Quiet Ufa Elijah at Abel Mehobahs or jthe Worker Chooa ins His Successor Mosle by quartet and choms choir led byJr BlschoS orranUU JO a Sunday school I JO bl Junior I 4 CHAS KAUFMAN 6 SpNSaf 43t7thSt We Hare No Otter Stores CLOitrTmi rtXOLLAM THE PtrtfECT SHOdLKIt SsssssBsssBsBsvf MssSaaPaVm IsflnpMH ssassf i I sIssIstIt ssssssssaaaassssssBssaMsagiasaBBa TV lfiSaT I OPEN UNTIL 9 TO NIGHT 1 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS A WONDERFl PROPHECT WHEN WILL THE Ererlasllnc Kingdom ot Christ Be Set Vvl This will be the theme of Prof Frederick Criigv snndayr December at 7 Memorial Church corner of and Twelfth streets northwest All welcome CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST FTP teenth and streets northwest Serrlcts San day ll a and sublect God the Pre serrer of Man Sunday school 11 a Wednes day erentnf meeUng oclock Public cordially lnrlted all seats fres Free readlns room 01 Colorado Buildlnr EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE EVANGEUCAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Scottish Rite Hall HOT street northwest 8errieee lit and Subject of morn lnt lecture by Bishop Ollrer Sabln Teach tng How td Heal the Sick subject of erenlnc lecture py hm Martha voast The Prayer of the Reallzatkn Testimonial meetlns Wednesday erealng at 7 JO Beau free all Invited HEALING BY MENTAL SUGGESTION JJRS BEATON WILL GIVE A TALK AT HER new offices Apartment 102 flOO Serenteenth rtrest comer I street northwest Suadar 4 in Sub ject The Pow of Thought in Heallnf Public ranted Fatlenti treated weok days Questions answered gp Thursdays Telephone I66L SITE IS TOO COSTLY Reasons for Delay on New Track House Southwest Harrison Johnson president of the South Washington Citizens Association has been informed by Commissioner Mac farland ithat the delay in providing the new truck house for Southwest Wash ington for which the Commissioners ob tained an appropriation of 30 000 available July 1 last is due to the fact that the site selected proved to be more cost ly than the appropriation would admit Condemnation proceedings will be begun to obtain the lot Commissioner Macfarland has dlsan proved the recommendation of Chief En gineer Belt that a part of the Jefferson School building playground be taken for a new site for Engine company Ho 4 and has recommended that a new site for that company be bought elsewhere In thej neighborhood Street Improvements Ordered Tnefollowing street improvements were ordered yesterday by the District Com missioners Sewer on the west side of Third street southwest between Maine and Maryland avenues abutting1 premises 101 to li Third street southwest in clusive construction of catch basin at the northwest corner of Seventeenth and streets southeast two catch basins on Lincoln road one at the northwest corner of Keating street and one at the northeast corner of Prospect street THE SECULAR LEAGUE THE SECULAR LEAGUES LIFE SUBJECT OP address by Mr Nigh at 1 Pythian Temple 1011 Ninth street northwest ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY ORIENTAL ESOTERIC CENTER 144J STREET Lecture Sunday eTfnlng IS Freedom Wednesday 8 AoalOfy Thursday at I study class Library philosophical works Stran fers welcomed Reduction Sale 1 875 Best Cut Best Built Suits and Overcoats Vorth up to 528 i An ofTen without a parallel You realize a bargain in the Idlest sense of the word You get the hest made goods any money can buy and you get them at a bargain price We have actually been taxedtolsereall here lately Men recognize the merits qi our offer for We offer only regular stock and the prices now marked on the goods are urf to 2800 Takef this opportunity to become acquainted with theNcIothing with the Perfect Shoulder and Close Fitting Collar Suits and Overcoats possessing all those superior merits of our product Suits in Jine fancy mixtures black vicunas and unfinished worsteds Overcoats in all the desired fabrics plain and fancy The highest grade goods youll find Nof bought upJ garments that are gathered for the purpose of a salcj but regular stock Were making a sacrifice of profit and some cost in order to give you the best value you ever bought Chas Kaufman Sons 43I 433Seventh Street OTHER SERVICES DR VT FRIZZELL WILL PREACH AT It a tn Sunday December 8 Is the National Capital Bank Hall on FennsylranU srenue between Third aad Fourth streets sontheasC Sab led The Conquests of Hsmanlty All people interested in securing the Ingram Memorial and Peoples Institute are1 especially lnrlted to be present qiTY BTJUETDTC Kzeldel Candler Jr Kepresentatlre in Congress from Mississippi will SDeak at the Central Union Mission to morrow evening Approves Inspectors Appointments The folio wirijr Appointments were approved yesterday by the District Commissioners Samuel Gray Hannnm Nledomanskl and Hoffman to be Inspectors of construction In the office ot tbe inspector of buildings at 4 a day Gilbert I Rodler to be draftsman In the same office at 2 a 4a fier Body Unclaimed The bodyv ot OIlss Mary Walters who was found dead in a house on I street Thursday afternoon has not been claim ed It was said that she came to thl city from Baltimore and the Authorities ot that city have been notified Up to a late hour last night nothing had been heard from them Tbe body Is at the morgue I ii rnysj to anusiai om ueiung scnneiaera Jwui ureaa Pays in satisfaction in enjoyment and in health Impress jour grocer witH tuo necessity of invariably Bending Malt Bread In your order He gets it fresh from the ovens dally Accept no substitute 5c a loaf same as ordinary Donnelly Specials to Make Evenings Enjoyable Cheese Edam Pineapple Philadelphia Cream Swiss English Dairy Roquefort Olives Sardines Crackers Bottled Beers on ice Sweet Cider Phone 7096 Open late evenings 14th and 1 sts Band Will Give Dance The Naval Gun Factory Band will give Its third dance of the season at National Rifles Armory Hall December 9 8 30 Mnsic oy Dana oi ininy pieces Order Rosenf elds Walnut lee Cream For your Sunday dinner Its delicious 811 st ne Phone Uncoln4009 Cleaned Currants Or Seeded Raisins Uc Citron 23c Cheese Kc Butter 32c Eggs 24c Eagle Milk 13c Challenge 10c quart Jars gweet Picklea 20c Potted Meat 3c 10c Macaroni 6c Pyles Stores Holiday Money Cheap At the Mercantile Society 1006 stv nw Get our rates and save money Great Bear Spring Water 4 GaL 60c Office 705 11th st Phone Main 3240 Goulds Wonder Store Toys Fancy Paper wholesale and retaU If Ton Have 1000 Lytnr Idle And want to place It where It will be absolutely safe and at the same time pay you from 50 to 109 per cent profit call or write Upham Room 44 Home Life Building corner 1Mb and streets Satin skht powder being best made its best for yon Flesh white pink brunette OH Cook Stoves Cottage Lamps 1204 BL AHuddlman Co OS 12th We Have Sold HeatieVs Beer For twenty years and are still selling it Maerxen and senate brewer bottlln Arlington Bottling company same place Phone 24 PATENT KID Mens Ideal rf Dress Shoes at fflO Patent Kid is the SAFEST of all Palent Leathers but so expensive tiut omer wcai stores handle il only in shoes sold at 2 or over Our enormous buying small iJrflftvrfZMdT low eKfiense rale en able lo self Patent Kid Shoes at Three Fifty In Up to date Blucher Laced or BiittSn styles WniHalmCos THREE RELIABLE SHOE H0USE8 Cor 7tb ana Streets KW 1914 1916 Pa Arenas NW 233 Penoa Arsnoe SE NOTICE An invitation is extended to every woman in Washington to attend the Blue Ribbon Sale which starts at this store next Monday Included in this sale is furniture for every room in the house Sayings throughout average 25 No sale of such magnitude has ever before been held in Washington WHEN IN DOUBT BUY OF HOUSE HERRMANN Seventh and I Eye Sts ota Charged with Desertion Clarence SToxwell of Frederick Md was arrested yesterday TroxweiL who Is wanted in Frederick on the charge of desertion and nonsupport was found at the car ham of tbe Washington Rail way and Blectrlc Company on Wisconsin avenue He win be taken to Frederick this morning Mwiyosis ItteHMatisMCwa If yon have stiff or swollen Joints sharp shooting jjalnaTlame back or any rheumatic pains MUNXON8 RHEO1 MATISM RKMEDTwin core thed Hon hack If it faUs Gas Hearing To day The hearing upon the demurrer to tbe netiUon Med by the Washington Gas light Company for the ascertainment of the cash value or its plant ana tor authority to Issue stock to the amount of such value win take place before Justice Ashley IL Gould In Equltr Court Ko 2 to day Ci A Velvet Kind Is DeHclona Its a pure rich Ice Cream JDrogglsU The Mans Store Snappy Neckwear 50c Quality 29c The real1 nifty things in neckwear are here and at a saving too Goodi place to bnyryour Xmas neckwear gifts 50c Neckwesr 29c Dollar Nickwear5 50c Adlsis Ooves 19 Regular 2 Kind KAUFMAN I9O5 K07 Pa Ave LaassaasW A Jewelry on Credit Anything in tWi van stoc et Diamondi Watchei Jewslry Crc can be bought oa pay cenb of a dollar oria a week castelbergs Waibintons Leading Jeweler aaJ OpttdaOI S3SPENNA AVE Parity Cleamllsesai Excellence Therssna higher brewing standard than that attained In the production of Heorichs Maerzen Senate and LAGER God medal award Jamestown Exposition At bars and bottled for borne use at brewery atrAM aUkaisttM KllVfCl doav Lager glSOj settle retMite OOc CVDellTered la snleuersd wioos oeaueo rnoRe lK CTDellTered la anlsUared wioos It desln 6HR HEURICHBREWIIrS C8gi I 750 For Ladles Suits of 1 Broadcloth Seree lot Fancy Worsteds all models and shades that sold up to 25 Pay the bill In small amounts as you can spare the money PETTIT CO 7th and Eye CONTAINS NO ACETANILIDt Hicks Capudine the liquid rcm edy for all headaches coldt indigestion pains and sour stomach Trialljottle 10 cents at Druists Get it today A Xmas Fountain Pen Special We offer an ideal Fountain Pen which is an actual 200 value Special your choice of any style 14k gold Ai pen point luU Andrews Paper Co Inc 627 29 La Ave BA BELLS Piiw Taf H9ey CflHCaSaC15 LOOK FGR TUB bell off nm BcrrCa WJIERE YOU gAN HAVE if CHARGED More Than Ever Is the Clothing Leadership Here Suppose you Mr Man make a test of what weve been szyfog by coming here for the suit or overcoat Doesnt it seem reasonable and beyond argument that where so many thousands of men come for their ctothinf must have advantages to offer far above clothing stores that get one tenth the business Its not a matter of sentiment when a man buys clothes hell go where he gets the most and thebestforhis money I youre paying high prices to a custom tailor your satisfaction will be as great and youll be as well pleased if you fit out from this store to say nothing of a substantial saving of money Thats a broad statement but well prove it if you come Not only is the present display inclusive oCall thats new in fashion and fabric but nowhere would you firia a showing so extensive and so altogether meritorious Our present stocks go far ahead of all past seasons weve come nearer realizing the perfection we always strive for And tht more you know about clothing prices about town the better youll appreciate the way weve kept our prices down to the lowest leveL Suits 11250 to 30 Overcoats 1250 to 35 Raincoats 15 to 30 Smoking Jackets 398 Up House Coats 398 Up Bath Roifes 398 Up SSSSSSBBBsa xtBBF afiPIEiaSsaassBpnlsV atssREf trs0SSBBsB9tsCJfk sflH MlfMBBsl 13 MJ0dssr TsVfjTsBBI TV CwJatasatf OUR RETIRING SALE Never was there such an opporttmitytobe correctly dressed at such a big saving in price We offer the balance of our entire stock of new winter weight clothing at unheard of prices Youll surely have extra money to purchase Xroas giftsby buying your winter clothing from us during this Retiring sale Note the immense cut we have made Mens 18 and 20 Winter Suits and Cf A ATI Overcoats our price 1UUU Tlie man whols looking for a high grade coat at a price can secure ft here About half are 20 coats and the rest reach Ithe 18 mark They come in high grade black kersey rneltons and vicunas cut AS inches long full box or semi fit tingformbacks Lined throughout with Merveilkux silk Mens 18 to 20 Suits 10 Newest model three button single breasted styles in worsted cheviot cassimere Coats are hand tailored Not all sizes in every pattern but all sizes in the lot Regular 18and 20 values Mens Overcoats 750 Black and Oxford Meltons and Frlexet single rbreasted box shape Wen tailored and trimmed Size Zi to Clinches Regu Mp PA lar price 12 andvfi5 my LM Special here at Jvl Boys Overcoats 500 In Fancies and Plain Oxford aad slack full length box style singlesingle breasted fly front neailr tailored and well trimmed SSO and 10 values Here at tbe rery linrlll Oil price of J4 IFJVV Wa offer 70a a refulkf 1300 Derby in all the new models our Retiring Sale price Bndini for rent fixture for tale 5198 VICTOR ADLER Ten PerXent n9 ft TeVlU Ci Comer of aothlnjj Home yfmyy Z1 Wl Maix Are vvnen wuuiins USE co*kE Is a tkamsblr reliable tae a Terr I ecosjoaaleai toeL It saakes a vet aad good tf tor cookina WeIf sopslr yoej jl co*ke I I BashsU Larje co*ke 1IttL5 i i BssaeU Lars Cska eltert4 MU i Busheis Lars co*ke oellverea 1 a Baabels Cnnked co*ksf deirrere4i nx1 rvwah flnk Silhwri 14JA rnrz xlizi tzz mi i so cssaoess vTwaw tvjv Waihington Gsliht Co i 413 Tenth Street 2 Bigvalue in high grade Gin high grade ARVERS A pteeei ta kaoele Calr tef See Special plece Carving Set In case JC50 John Espey SSHSVKSt Duffys Pin Matt WMskty If you wish to keep youtr atronc aad rigorous and bar on your cheek th srlow of perfect health take BUTrTS FURS MALT WKIBKKT REOULABLT a tea sooonful In a half class of water or milk three times a day and take no other medicine Dairys Purs Malt Whiskey has stood serera test for fifty yeara and has al wara been found absolutely trara sul1 ta contain great medicinal properties and ttiael oil Sold br an drugxists ud rocera or direct ILOO a ooUle A raluable medical booklet eontainms symptoms and treatment of each disease and many testimonials will be sent fre to any reader of this paper who will writ Duffy Halt Whiskey Company Rochester LMDSEY LIGHT FREE We aejsta ear Ces Fortablea sjltk Llsbtwttlunt extra cksrm a LUeaey qjcxo 1336 fc St UMTS s4k.

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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.